What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

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A sneak peek of season 2 shows a lot of promising plot development in the form of scantily clad bunny girls

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There will also be a “beach” and “firework festival” episode for those subscribed to us as well as a mysterious romance arc…

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You should’ve assumed it was a joke instead.

Dueling - combat - is used to convey your character’s actions, behaviour, and choices. To depict a person. In what way is that not roleplay? You’re inhabiting a role, and portraying that person.

Is the speech part that important? Trust me, talking 24/7 in combat is the most obnoxious and badrp one could be imo. Pretty sure standard /emotes still go through as well.

Idk what you mean with 6 seconds, sounds like restricted PvP, and at this point I’ve lost your point completely - are you against any form of PvP in RP (including restricted/unrestricted PvP) and you’re a full-blown free-form emotes for combat resolving purist, or what are you going for again?

I assure you, when I’m PvPing, I’m roleplaying as Nerathion, not the godslayer the PC would be. And pretty sure the adventurers don’t know about item level either. In duels (not only referring to /duels!) he prefers to win, therefore he doesn’t really talk. The actions he performs are roleplay. Not a mechanic.

So therefore duelling is not a mechanic, but roleplay. : )

If you have 5 hunters doubletapping aimed shot/rapid fire or 5 mages gpyroing or 5 paladins wake of ashing or 5 warlocks chaos bolting or so on, ppl can kill people. Usually that’s not considered breaking the rules either, though it should be. Though people are catching up to this and adding the ‘no-sync attacks’ rule here and there hopefully, so perhaps soon, nobody will die.

Last I heard, literally everything on that list is banned in restricted, so uh…

Hunters can opt for rapid fire and that isn’t banned (to my knowledge), wake of ash isn’t, and even then you can get other stuff like Druids starsurging and other similar high-damage-but-not-quite-that-terrible abilities syncing up.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but big nukes and AOE were both banned last I heard, and Wake of Ashes is both a big nuke and an AOE.

Rapid fire doesn’t hit that hard w/o double tap. Double tap was banned last I heard.

5 hunters with rapid fire does hit hard.

Refer to the rule about syncing up abilities

Why is AoE even banned? Most of them do pretty negligible damage.

It’s not roleplay. Unless your character is limited to swinging a sword in an identical pattern every six seconds, as per the cooldown of his or her ability, as dictated by the game mechanics of that spec, unless your character is incapable of parrying or blocking because there is no parry or block button, unless your character forgets and remembers abilities at will as you swap out your talents - it’s not a true reflection of your character’s actions or abilities.

I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. When a character speaks, we can assume that those words are a 100% accurate representation of their actual words/ meaning. We can only go so far in representing accent and inflection - but the speech is an authentic and faithful account of the character’s actual words.

Ok, well, you’re wrong! And that’s fine :slight_smile:

It’s not roleplay, it’s Blizzard’s mechanics. If Blizzard’s mechanics are a 100% faithful representation of your character’s actions - wow, ahaha! Ok then! Imagine playing a character who only ever lies down on his right side because that’s what happens when you /lie. Imagine!

lol /10 chars

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[[Emotes]] is not roleplay. Unless your character is limited to standing around with a dead look in his eyes until the player finishes their speech (emotes don’t even do anything!), as per the writing speed of their ability, as dictated by the game mechanics of literally speaking/emoting, unless your character is incapable of literally doing anything emotive with their hands because there’s no hand control button, unless your character forgets and remembers the ability to speak as you press /say or escape - it’s not a true reflection of your character’s actions or abilities.

I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I was only joking there as well, referring to leaving the speech part out and assuming that was the problem for you, in a joking context.

i ask you to hand in your guild tag, it’s not fitting

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There’s such a thing as abstraction. You can’t encompass the entirety of everything that is possible with any game, video or otherwise. You’re not going to find any environment that has a 100% faithful representation of your character and their actions outside of entirely text-based freeform roleplaying.

When some people roleplay their character as participating in combat, they use the combat system of WoW as an abstract representation of their character’s participation in combat. To claim that they’re not roleplaying just because they resolve conflict by using the game’s combat sytem, seems a little silly to me. If you don’t want to use WoW’s systems to facilitate your roleplay and you’re just using it as a platform for nothing but entirely text-based roleplay, I do have to wonder why you use WoW for the purposes of roleplaying at all. Discord’s probably a better choice.


What do you mean? You mean in a situation where you’ve emoted your character standing around with a dead look in his eyes? I really don’t understand why you’re finding this distinction so hard to grasp. It seems fairly elementary to me - that what you see on your screen, what your model represents or stands in for - is mechanical, and the writing itself - the thing that takes place in your imagination - is the roleplay. The story, the characters - they’re communicated in the writing. They live in the writing.

Like, you don’t even seem to understand that your character is speaking, and the player is typing. So when the player hits escape, that’s not the character hitting escape. Whereas you’re trying to tell me that the actual mechanics present in duels and combat are the character’s actions.

Oh, I see! I was confused because jokes are typically funny, or have some kind of humorous content. I’ll be sure to scan your posts extra hard from now on.

Here’s a grand concept - writing is not the only form of roleplay :open_mouth:
Your character can be communicated in more than one way - visual ((pvp)) being one of them.

Like, you don’t even seem to understand that your character is doing anything, and the player is controlling. So when the player hits an ability, that’s not the character hitting the ability button. Whereas you’re trying to tell me that the actual writing process present in emotes and speech are the character’s actions.

Indeed! Usually one doesn’t figure out what the joke was when they lack a humour sense as well.

What you call abstraction, I call mechanic.

That’s fine - but it’s still an abstract representation, which was exactly my point. Those people are still, in some way, shape or form, going to superimpose the “true” action over the gameplay in their imagination - the way their character moves, the quality of their voice, et cetera. If you wanna broaden your interpretation of roleplay to include mechanical abstractions like dicerolls, fair enough - it’s really just a difference in semantics. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that what is written through /e and /s are always going to communicate much greater detail, and thus have much greater authenticity, than Blizzard’s impersonal mechanics.

But, according to you, the identical action that results from hitting the button, and the character’s inability to do it again for precisely six seconds due to a cooldown, is what’s happening to the character.

No, in fact I’m not! I’ve been referring to the result and not the process - speaking of processes, try to employ a reading process when parsing other posts, it’ll help with your comprehension!

nerathion did it ever occur to you that u may be getting baited right now

I assure you I’m arguing entirely in good faith, and frankly I take exception at my repeated and consistent rightitude being dismissed as baiting.

It’s not baiting.

It’s winning.

nah but maybe yes after her last post lol