Whats wrong with this Taz warrior

For you perhaps, that seems to value what you can get from a game more than enjoying playing the game itself.

That wasn’t my experience, nor is it the experience for a lot of other players as you can see by the posts made on these forums on a daily basis.

Again, perhaps for you. I like a balanced game and don’t care if I win or lose, so long as the odds of winning are pretty much even. I also don’t care about what I can get from the games, vaults, honor, conquest etc are all just byproducts from doing the bit that I actually enjoy, the games themselves.

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i mean… u wont but it looks like they farmed some hks too, i wasn’t there tho

We had just 2 healers in the first zerg that’s why but for the rest they were pretty weak and didnt even scratch the walls :laughing:

You have missed Simeoa (the boy who bores the sheep in Ashran) and Seor. The latter usually goes with the ones you mentioned about german realms.


Simeoa is playing with premades?.. Anyway, as I said, I don’t pay premades enough attention to know all who playes with Tas/Pandora/larkus/Sar-hard-nickname-guy/whoever also exists. Feel yourself free to add Seor, Yagoria, Pewnog, Laota(?) and whoever I forgot to the list.


I have been alone in AV with the Paladin for more than 3000 and if the topic of premades is already tiring, there are so many, they are imitating them.

He does. I had the Raid leader in one round where he was on my team, I sent everyone to mid. 10 people followed him silently and farmed Ring for Items so they could do the turtle strat later.

Even less, at least from a horde perspective fighting alliance premades. Only in 10-20% of rounds at most the opponents have a premade raid on their side with synchronized groups.

These 10-20% are still too much, it should be 0%. Queue syncing shouldn’t be a thing. But to say epic bgs is exclusively syncers is plain wrong.

This mage at least is pretty smart and a good player from what I can tell. He recalled once when we blitzed their boss in Alterac and wiped us all with a living bomb. He tried it again another time, but I countered it with revival in time.

I never thought I would say this, but I had a better opinion of him, lel.

If we are speaking about only ally premades, then far less, like, dunno, 3% at best.

Looks like the moment, when someone should say something about classes and balance, but it won’t be me, since I’m casual player.

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Anyone from Perplexíty guild on Argent Dawn is pretty much doing premades full time, just FYI

Roleplayers, they don’t pose any thread tbh.

It’s in the nature of living bomb to cause a chain reaction and this mage used it in a smart way to wipe the entire raid. Not a balance issue in my opinion. It is only situationally powerful like this and this was one of these situations. It was a great play that needs to be applauded, he singlehandedly saved the day for his team.

…while most of them didn’t even bother to use stormpike insignia…

It has been many years like this, most of us know now to follow Simeoa for victory.

If winning Ashran in the most boring way imaginable is appealing to you, go ahead.


Does Simeoa only play ashran? I never saw him in other bgs.

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yes he does.

Look, I usually play epics with the Horde but I don’t always like playing with prefabs because it makes the bgs boring. For the sake of the health of the bgs, let’s hope that the blizzard does something because it doesn’t only happen in Europe, in the United States they are also a plague and they suffer from it just like us.

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Can’t they just queue blitz the same way they get around the 5 ppl party limit for normal bgs?

Teams in Blitz are randomized. It is not guaranteed that you land in a team with your premade sync friends even if you get into the same round. You might end up on opposing sides.

A measure that is very effective at keeping syncers away, which should also be introduced to regular epic bgs.


i without raid lead pleaded my team to engage alterac valley mid, people agreed, and we had one long av with teamfights and pushed to an easy win

i played an Isle of conquest, we were vs what apaprently is a premade, typical hangar fight, we got rotflstomped, i was leading with 50m dmg the second had 10, i realized we had 1 healer afk, and 1 healer didn’t enter, so we were 2 healers vs 4, game looked over as usual

we somehow turtled for 1 hour and 30 minutes, and won… it was just, aoeing the gate, poking heads out killing demos/glaives going back in, often i managed to go out and get a few japs and tp back in… never played a longer isle of conquest

then i played another AV and hoped for another zerg, we had this Taz warr, first time for me seeing him, he said we ambush IB so that was in line with what i had planned, from there i tried to defend bases and it became a win pretty quickly… kinda boring, think we rushed boss before they did, that plus a whipe for them, idk, when i think EPIC battleground i want long pvp scenario with tons of people, i don’t like this idea of just rushing for the boss, or similiar…


Warcraft lore moment