Whats wrong with this Taz warrior

Every damn epic bg, hes inthere…

im so effin sick of his Q syncd premades.

stopped last night at 3, 4 x in a row Taz was over in 3 min tops.

Start today, 1st one Taz, 2nd on… Taz…

3rd one… u get it… TAZ !

i mean seriously Blizzard act on Qsyncing…

So fed up with this crap!

But hey, heres a thought, how about we all start making
tickets instead of reporting this in the bg itself?


You want to report a guy for playing the game? :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, no. Im not biting


tbh, i don’t think he Q syncs, but i might be mistaken.
I end up in a lot of his games but it doesn’t look like he’s there with a group.

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So, rw “My group will wipe them at hangar” - his newest development?..


well, if that’s the case, i believe you.

Give them a break, they play epics for a living.

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u r more mature than me.

Taz, who??? Which faction?

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must be some big prem, heard the name few times even tho i stay well away from epics

Any other Names known from this premade tho?

Just to let you know m8, this Täz warri lost an Wintergrasp Attack against me and my gf. And not even close, this Premade is not strong at all.
ibb . co/McVwTyV

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Tâz, Zennie, Zâdô those 3. They are a part of making pvp suck for this side. Tâz plays on both side also. So they are informed it seems. and they use it against us. they sync up with as many as they can, and will mule you all day with immune tanks and alot of good healing :smiley: its smart 100%, but it ruins the real fun of pvp… have a good day.


Its the same problem for me, the same premade grp ruins my day 12 hours a day… me and my brother get matched against the same premade grp with Tâz, Zennie, Zâdô and CO. we see a average time wait on 6 min and get to wait like 20min for them to complete a BG vs a pug grp that is getting mauled. So becouse we are 2 people joined in togather we are a premade and my brother get raid lead 9 of 10 battles against these premade grps and im tirred to death fighting against the same grp that run a raid on us with macros and BG sync and what els expliots they manage to use like getting immune to all dmg or totaly immune to any CC… so im out of here as i only PVP in epic BG’s and BG’s and both are ruined… Ballance is completely off when a Tank is top 1 DPS and top 1 healer at same time with being the best tank lol then one knows its completly wrong if tank dont need a healer to work…


yes, saw zennie as well.

I had one in my group who said i know him, after i asked to report as mentioned
in many of the premade bg topics by others. Should have known to keep my mouth
shut from that point.

seems i was targetted a lot by the other side cause 2 hours later i had a
warning that my latest … was not in line with… bla bla bla.


Taz, Alfreudopaly, Zeni/Zennie, Zado, Zemhelis, Truemonster/Wotlkmonster(?)/Truedemon/?,
Трэлия, Мауви, Микайо, Lazer, Wokeupinbg(?), Spookyeight(?)/Luckytwo(?)… Pardon, didn’t paid em much attention.


All names that you will never, ever encounter in Blitz matches as they don’t have the balls to play without an army behind them.

I’m actually more and more surprised on a daily basis to see people are actually still bothering to queue for EBG’s, when they know that it’s almost guaranteed that these clowns will be in there.

Stop queuing for EBG’s and stick to Blitz, if everyone got on the same page and stopped joining pointless EBG’s then these clowns would have nobody to pretend to PVP against.


…cause u don’t need Blitz, since u don’t need full vault, yes.

Not true, though.

Even when EBG goes without epic (shamefully, pretty often, yes), they’re far better then any Blitz match.

Vault is just a byprouct, if you care more about vaults and what you can get from it, than the PVP itself then that’s pretty sad.

It’s extremely true, the amount of complaints on these forums is enough to show that, I’ve seen it personally, 1 after another after another with the same clowns in the game.

Each to their own but if you’d rather spend your time in games that are being dominated by groups of spotty, sweaty nerd gangs then that is also kinda sad.


“Sad” is the word for situations, when people can’t understand thoughts, that I find pretty simple.

Vault and quests are the only reasons to use Blitz and Shuffle.

May be I am just playing to much, but for me it’s more like 50/50 chance to meet premades. Sometimes I can play, dunno, 5 matches in raw without them? Sometimes there’s only them, yes. But if u meet them, it doesn’t meant, that there is only them and u will meet em with 99% chance.

Blitzs are so boring, that I would rather arrive in tf2 to see, if bots are still there.