What's your character's new year resolution?

With the new year fast approaching (for us, at least) have you considered what your character would like to achieve in this new roleplay year?

Maybe they are keen to develop or improve a new skill? Perhaps change their occupation? To finally face a reoccurring challenge in their lives?

What new goals do they have?




Most likely to try and cleanse some void corruption and help recover from a mistake he made one of Starfallen’s more recent events.

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  • Get better at nature/life magic
  • Uphold traditions better
  • maybe try eating a bit more meat

Recover books of Silverpine and Tirisfal alike, both arcane and mundane with a preference for the more ancient kind, and maybe kickstart the opening of a little library out of the mage hall in Lordaeron Keep for anyone who may wish to read them.


Defend her title of Conquest clash 2024, more soop for soop god. etc :stuck_out_tongue:

As for my elf, probly survive and looking to return ‘home’ to Quel’Danas.

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  • To see her apprentice develop and succeed.
  • To hire further staff and expand the library’s operations and business.
  • To sleep more at home and less at her desk.
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Increase profit, and activities.


Eat Wraithwood if he comes close to Shadowfang Keep…?

Alternatively to recover some of his old family possessions.

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Survive aswell.

Getting the f out of Khaz Algar alive, poor man’s been stuck there since Dalaran crashed :frowning:

Train her new apprentice in the way of the Light.

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To tie up a hell of a lot of loose ends. So many people that still wait on their final answer to all the problems they wanted me to solve…

To continue spreading the influence of the Void around Azeroth, teaching people how to use it in a way that is not destructive like cultists do.

And of course making sure her caravan continues rolling ! But that’s every day of every year !

This past year has been a joy, my friends. And we have managed to vaporize Draenei in much more efficient ways than the year before.

As I age, and see the people of the Horde change and grow into this new era of peace, I find myself resolute to COMPLETELY STOMP ON THE SKULLS OF STORMWINDIANS. DEATH UPON THE EASTERN KINGDOMS. GLORY BE TO THE HORDE. TURN ASHENVALE INTO A LOGGING CAMP.

On some more earthly goals, I look to Horticulture as a potential hobby. And, perhaps I’ll pick up the old brush and try my hand at painting.

Wishing you a very joyous new year,



Grizz’s goal this year is to escape his current employment contract and go on at least one proper adventure. Also gold. Make lots of gold.

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