Recover books of Silverpine and Tirisfal alike, both arcane and mundane with a preference for the more ancient kind, and maybe kickstart the opening of a little library out of the mage hall in Lordaeron Keep for anyone who may wish to read them.
This past year has been a joy, my friends. And we have managed to vaporize Draenei in much more efficient ways than the year before.
As I age, and see the people of the Horde change and grow into this new era of peace, I find myself resolute to COMPLETELY STOMP ON THE SKULLS OF STORMWINDIANS. DEATH UPON THE EASTERN KINGDOMS. GLORY BE TO THE HORDE. TURN ASHENVALE INTO A LOGGING CAMP.
On some more earthly goals, I look to Horticulture as a potential hobby. And, perhaps I’ll pick up the old brush and try my hand at painting.