What's your Favorite WoW Memory?

Ditched school with my friends to go play the original WoW in a net café. Run Wailing Caverns and our hunter friend was late and we entered 4 of us and we got almost butchered, I was the only one alive and our hunter friend came in, didn’t notice him, and I just saw an arrow hit the enemy, killing him, half a second before killing me. And I saw him running in with his pet like a super hero, and we cheered him loud and the entire net café looked at us.

Those were the years.

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I’d say my first CE.

Not only was it a great experience, it also confirmed my belief that everyone can do it if they want… there is no secret “elite” that gatekeeps people from it as some people claim on the forums from time to time.

I went from only doing LFR and a rare normal run to CE in 2 tiers.

1: siting around a fire in Stranglethorn Vale in wrath of the lich king days 10+ years ago and telling scary stories when we didnt know what to do in wow. for our friends/. in 3 AM till morning

2: Dueling swifty in highmountain every morning for almost a week in legion expansion.

3 : racing with aggramars stride legendary for gold in hyjal road in legion expansion.

4: trolling people as a girl in pandaria expansion at orgrimar

5: being a gm in some private servers and creating game object moving things . creating events or answering tickets.

there are so many more but this are the ones in my mind atm

I’m a PVE player, but two of my favorite memories are PvP related.

  • One evening i was bored and deicided to engage in AV with two guildies. On a whim we started to defend Balinda. A tank, healer and dps. Eventhough we lost no Horde came close to Balinda :slight_smile:
  • The first anniversay AV i think it was. I was defending a tower we (alliance) tried to cap. I was on my hunter and had a few knockbacks that lined up perfectly. A horde warrior came and tried to take the tower, but every time he went up the stairs he got knocked away :slight_smile: At some point i had to laugh so hard the tears streamed down my face. It was a classic slapstick moment ^^
  • The other favorite memories are spending time with friends/guildies, talking, helping them farm or quest etc.
  • Starting a druid in vanilla, mained one ever since!

I do think my whole WoW experience is one big favorite memory. From playing with others to playing solo the last few years. The game is still a lot of fun for me. Especially now i can go to SoD, WotLK or Retail and just pick whatever i fancy.
I really hope WoW will continue for years to come.

Probably the feeling of excitement and anticipation on the boat on my way to Howling Fjord at the original WotLK release. I had even booked the following week off work just to play and enjoy the game.

I was so hyped. The zones, music and general atmosphere of Wrath of the Lich King did not disappoint.


It was the silly little things for me, just out and about exploring and questing in Vanilla with the people I joined the game with. The cave just to the east of Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands where all the kobolds are, fleeing from the cave with me pals, being chased by a cave full of angry kobolds we’d aggroed. Or riding thru SMV in TBC and seeing a fellow guildi paladin running for his life, being chased by half the legion. Jumping off cliffs in your Mechano Hog with your mates in the passenger seat then ejecting them and watching them fall to their deaths.

Once upon a time there was a magical Inn located in the Park area of Stormwind

I used to play on an RP server on horde side and when I was bored I would travel all the way to stormwind and head to the Inn in the Park area as it didn’t have any hostile npc’s inside and there used to be people running it as an RP Inn.

I would sit there and enjoy an ale until someone killed me (sadly pvpers would eventually come in and disrupt the RP, you know what they are like *oh look a big tauren in rp gear they must want to pvp)

This was all until a big smelly dragon decided to burn it all to the ground, all other Inn’s had an anti Tauren policy with hostile npc’s

GG blizz

Getting Ashes of A’lar on my first attempt. I remember telling my mate jokingly that it will drop before It did! Got 2 acheevs at once but one was a feat of strength. I don’t really like that mount but it is a fond memory. Me and my mate was gobsmacked.

Being the kid that i was… I thought entering the pvp halls without appropriate rank would get you banned.

Same with dying to fatigue.

When i, a pve player who despise pvp, reached 1600 rating in rated bgs back in MoP, and unlocked my Grand marshal transmog set. It was the one thing i always wanted, since i started playing, and i have been using it ever since. (except right now, im wearing my plunderstorm set, but i will go back to Grand marshal soon enough)

I once stepped on Gnome in classic. He died.

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