What's your favorite zone?

Nagrand, both new and old.
It is a beautiful zone with a lot of fun quests. I am also a fan of the Warsong clan, so I guess that plays a part in it too.

The original Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Jade Forest. I love lots of Pandaria especially the buildings and the trees.


I really have a fondness for Vashj’ir, I won’t say it’s my favorite zone but it’s definetly up there.
I just really love it going from an almost tropical reef into the abyss, it makes you feel truly small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

I do truly feel sorry for the people who suffer from Thalassophobia, mustn’t have been a fun zone.

Outside of that, I really enjoy Icecrown, Drustvar, Nazmir and Deepholm to name a few, all amazing zones that give off their respectice emotions.
Icecrown for the hopelessness, it made you truly feel as if you were in the heart of Scourge territory which you were. Drustvar just feels fantastic, an always off vibe with the haunted woodlands and frigid mountains culminating in a cursed village and manor.
Nazmir is a swamp, full of deadly creatures and forgotten horrors, with ruins here and there.
And Deepholm was just beautiful and cool when you first enter it, they truly nailed the earth plane aesthetic with it.

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For the epic feeling, Icecrown. Nothing has ever come close to the feeling of impending doom that built up as I worked my way across Icecrown, getting ever closer to Arthas in the Citadel. Really felt like something monumental was unfolding.

For the scenery, Hellfire Peninsula. Just love the colours and it has the best skyline ever.

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That wasn’t my problem with Vash’jir (though I’ve learnt a new word :slight_smile: ). I couldn’t cope with the 3-Dness of it. Especially on melee characters, I’d think I was hitting a mob, only to turn to a different angle and find I was nowhere near it and I found it intensely frustrating … I do understand why others loved it though.


For me the best zones are tied to atmospheric music. Usually these days I find the music too busy and elaborate. I prefer tracks like the Dragonblight music or the ominous thrumm of Icecrown, music that isn’t trying to do too much. I think zone music should be there and not there at the same time. Then again, real tunes can be awesome too, like the Grizzly Hills fan favourite or the Gnomeregan track.

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Yeah, even today I still don’t know how to cast Blizzard on underwater mobs…

This is one of the things I miss in WoW. End-game zones. Usually at the start of the expansion you got beautiful, often peaceful zones* and as you work your way towards the end the zones get increasingly hostile. Icecrown is indeed the best example of this. Shadowmoon Valley is another that comes to mind.

As for the topic itself, there’s too many to name now, but out of the new zones it has to be Stormsong Valley. It’s beyond beautiful and the music is amazing. When the time comes to retire this character, it’ll be some cozy inn in the valley.

*= Yea, Hellfire totally fits this description. But hey, Nagrand most certainly does, and I’d argue Terokkar and Zangarmarsh too.


STV / Duskwood.
nice wpvp :grin:

Definitely agree with this, too! The music in this expansion is really good and catchy but sometimes you need to slow down and go more ambient. The “Shimmering Flats” track from the original OST is a great example. It’s not very in-your-face and catchy, but boy does it help to create certain atmosphere for those huge plains and deserts where it plays.

I can’t pick just one but Vashj’ir is definitely up there. It looks awesome, and it is unique.

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Uldum and Vol’dun - I love deserts and Egyptian themes. Also a fan of Dune.

Shadowmoon Valley and Talador on Draenor, as well as Mac’Aree on Argus - Draenei lore and aesthetics are among my favorite things in Warcraft.

Hellfire Peninsula and Netherstorm - the outlandish feel and nostalgia are strong for me there.

Val’sharah and Ashenvale - I feel at peace there.

Boralus, Gilneas, Alterac, Elwyn, Westfal, Redridge - because I identify with humans in real life and these zones bring me Warcraft 2 feeling.

Suramar - although something’s not quite right.


Zangarmarsh :mushroom:

Grizzly hills ,Howling fjord and High-mountain :slightly_smiling_face:

Vanilla: Hillsbrad Foothills
TBC: Eversong Woods
Wrath: Grizzly Hills
Cataclysm: Vashj’ir
MoP: Wandering Isle
WoD: Nagrand
Legion: Argus
BfA: Stormsong Valley

Gilneas, because human kingdoms are cool and they nailed the Victorian London style with the music, the scenery and especially Lord Godfrey.

Original Teldrassil and Ashenvale are my nr. 1 favourites.

My other favourites are Feralas and Stormpeaks, and the original Azshara.

All 5 have/had a very special atmosphere to them. Teldrassil, Ashenvale, Aszhara and Feralas go sort of hand in hand on that though.


Dun Morogh and Grizzly hills, its like it’s home away from home for me <3

Suramar 100%
If there was second place it would probably be Val’sharah


That song belongs to Tanaan, purely down to the line

“It get’s worse here everyday”