What's Your Favourite Thing About WoW?

All the friends i’ve made along the way :slight_smile:


The monk class.

Cool aesthetics
I actually enjoy all three specs.
The mobility
Despite the challenges of doing so mistweaver is so far the most satisfying healer for me in m+
Faeline Stomp is amazing

Whether it’s torg, m+, levelling a new char, grinding quests or doing old school raids, if I’m on one of my monks I’m generally happy.

I have to join the two of you… in the end, the game is all about us players, and our approach.
Everything’s much better and memorable with a good buddy or two by your side.
We need to rely a lot more on each other. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Aside from this? All the pretty elven races. I doubt if I could have been hooked in back in the day if we didn’t have any.


my favourite thing about wow are druids, hands down.


I like the world, how beautiful it is in places, how aesthetic, I like when I meet the occasionally lovely player and just swap comments for the hell of it, admiration of their transmog, their pet, their style.

I like to play with my husband, to chat, relax, quest, do legacy content just generally bimble about. I love to collect pets, mounts, interesting clothing…

15 years on, it’s still our favourite joint waste of time, it’s our world!!

Bloodelf females

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Lmao made me laugh. Also accurate

Movement, combat, and the way it brings together friends, even when the game could be in a much better state. BfA was probably the first time I genuinely quit WoW for a long time due to the game simply not being fun to play - until 8.3 that is, when Heck was set loose with corruptions :smiley:


Where the grind should be :smiley:

long content droughts between raids so i can play better games

I’d have to second movement and combat, and add another which for me is all the different races to play as being more varied than others which tend to be 'humans, elves, orcs, maybe trolls, and ‘beast’(Humans with animal ears and maybe a tail)

That’s an odd reason to play a game lol

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