What's Your Favourite Thing About WoW?

Doesn’t matter if it’s something tiny

I’ll go first. Movement and combat has always been one of my favourite things. Very responsive compared to a lot of other online games.

What’s your favourite things about WoW?


For me I think it is questing to be honest. Going through the zones and following the stories there. I enjoy it very much. Also I love the professions, and Archeology gets a gold star mention from me. It is such fun.


Like miss. Questing and archeology. I would add fishing and pet battling

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Raiding but I kinda wish there were less taxes to pay.


Raiding and random wpvp encounters. Doing stuff with my guild.

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Its used to be riding across that barrens as alliance as a guild to sack oggrimar back in wrath.

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The forum .


Weird/funny character names

Aside the vulpera?
Twiluna, Brigante, Coldsháde, Amirrah, and all the others whom topics I love to browse and read their reply
And without WoW, there wouldn’t be a WoW forum, thus we would lack these wonderfull wonderfull people in one place
But WoW lack everything else, graphic, game play, content, lore, pvp and basically the whole enchilada is subpar and underwhelming
But the people
The people makes the game “alive”

EDIT: Ameerah, not Amirrah… sorry :pray:


My favorite thing about WoW is that you can spend hours playing it, in a style that you prefer.

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Is there another Ameerah I don’t know about?

The new fruit paintings.

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My favorite thing about wow (at least back in the days) is questing through the zones and getting the story.

I remember having a date with a troll player many many years ago. In Stranglethorn of all places :laughing: I guess they liked danger. But yeah Stranglethorn was a beauty back then with Waterfalls and stuff we had fun. It became one of my favorite zones. But Eversong woods is the top of course.

I also like the Transmoging and stuff. Although wish it improved a bit like FF14.

Raiding with my guild, and mistweaver venthyrs.

Farming low level players with my big bad endgame boi near Booty Bay entrance in PvP realm :wink: It was fun hehe…

to log out of wow.

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The net-o-matic.

Being a hunter. With pets.

But also: Questing, just how it feels playing, exploring new locations, following the story.


No, I’m ashamed but my memory failed me, and only remember how your name sunds, not the exact spelling
Please accept my humble apology and a promise, no Vulpera will pee on your backpack as revenge

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  1. Gameplay
  2. Customization

Everything else about this game isn’t very appealing.