🍔 What's your favourite WoW meat?

Okay x2

I will pray for you tonight, I hope one day you will see the light

I’m a Norse Pagan - your light is a cancer.


Falafel and fries should be ok for you friend


I’ve seen midsommar. Pagans are pure evil.

Film scarred me for life. Don’t watch alone.

Says a Christian.

Christianity, that has fully wholesale slaughtered humans for centuries. Sure, paganism is evil.

Expensive Vegan kebab in Sweden

But it taste real nice, I can recommend

There are people who say they’re religious but don’t practice it and those who actually are and do practice it.

Those people who were going in crusades were not Christian, a true Christian wouldn’t harm another.

They were the devil.

Whatever you say.

Fixed for you my friend

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A human is a umbrella term in the way that a human can have many different values and beliefs, we have humans who are santanic worshipers for example.

A Christian however has guidelines and rules.

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So why’d they make bacon taste so good?!?!? :yum: :drooling_face:

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Vegan bacon taste just as good, and it doesn’t involve harming a living creature, giving it a chance of a happier life.

Please don’t do that, try to keep the thread civil.


Fair question.


Funny story, was shopping in Lidl the other day with my 6 year old and he spotted some vegan stuff on the shelf and pointed at it said “oh look that’s vegan” then yelled “I DON’T EAT VEGAN FOOD!”

He did have some vegan apple juice the other week though which “tastes just like normal apple juice” :joy:

I love my son.



I do that. Though it may be more than twice tbh.