What's your goal this week?

Complete the Sunken Temple quests, do some questing in appropriate areas and work a little on my fishing now that I completed Nat Pagle’s quest.

Might go for some Nightfins in the weekend so I can make soup.

Hit atleast 55, maybe get some gear, if I feel like it I will probably max out Tailoring aswell 250 -> 300

Get my shaman to 32-33.
Start melee cleaving SM runs (because 30-40 is booooooooooring).
Get my Ravager.
Get round to installing ElvUI.

Thursday beer with friends. Traveling on Saturday, family stuff in the evening, traveling on Sunday. It will be a weak week. Perhaps get to 50 but I really doubt it.

p.s. my avatar is wrong I’m almost 48.

What level are you now?

Stalling leveling a bit so my friends can catch up. Leveling and doing dungeons is so much more fun with friends. But maybe get lvl 54 and level my alt up to lvl 15-20

Hit 50, which should be doable.

I need to be 60 by Oct 13th.

Hit level 40 (now I am lvl 35).

Complete Scarlet Monastery (Armory, Cathedral).

Get all quest and prepare for Razorfen Downs.

Prepare for questing in Swamp of Sorrows/Badlands.

Somehow get over 60 golds to buy mount a teach Riding skill. :thinking:

Well I got close, to level 29. I just ended up having less time than I thought, + I didn’t fancy playing wow straight after injuring my arm.

Hopefully, I can gain another level by the end of this week! My aim is 30 by Sunday. I’m busy every evening during the week seeing different friends and then i’m away for the weekend for a three day bender. Back on Sunday evening so hope I can fit in a couple of hours of play and ding 30… if I haven’t destroyed my body by then.

Whats everyone else goals for this week?

Rerolled human rogue ive ran to darnassus now doing quests so i can get a tiger mount eventually!

To gank some hordes so they can’t complete their goals.

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Trying 8man onyxia

Reach 60! I’m currently close to 58 :slight_smile:

Farm armory for gear and grind like hell for mount money

farming gold for my 100% mount and pvp things. recently just got tidal charm (finally) so thats crossed off the list

Planning on throwing some low lvl hordes off the cliffs in Thousand Needles and any Hordes I find on the boat to Booty Bay.


what realm are you on mageinchina? il join u if mograine lol

Complete Ashenvale, Stonetalon and Hillsbrad quests.
Yesterday completed quests available to Horde in Westfall.

Vacation! Go to osaka and bring home the newborn. Wrestle with diapers without getting ganked by mom.

Hit 6o by friday.
Farm up head from Fineous and mace from magmus on saturday.
Go crush some horde skulls in PvP on sunday.