What's your new favorite Shadowlands character customization option?

Hard to say I liked most what I saw so far

  • All new tauren options
  • Nelf vines in the hair and burn marks
  • Trolls getting actual eye colors to chose from, warpaint and few hairstyles
  • All dwarf options

these are my top.

Also :


I feel like the bloodelf ones were underwhelming.

I love the new skins / eyes but other than that jewelry is hardly seen and 3 hairstyles don’t feel enough.

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Even the customisation
Even when breaked the link :smiley:

But i don’t forget the tyrande hair and the Elune pendant on the forehead :smile:

It was the laziest options. The no bone option already existed in game, and you can switch it on with the current client as we speak.

I think they could have put more effort into that.


Troll tattoos and earrings vs blood elf beards… Hard to choose.

Human Warpaint/Tattoos!
oh wait…
there is none :<


I love belf body jewelry. I hope they will bring them back and also give them to voidelves.

WTB more customization for Vulpera…! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dwarf Wildhammer tattoos and hairstyles, Tauren warpaint and accessories. I’m actually wondering what they will come up with mechagnomes. Gnomes look already amazing with fully customizable moustache and beard options.

Nothing too outstanding as it is so far, the make up options on human female look gross and swtoresque.

The jewelry one are ok, not too much work on it or imagination but ok.

New hairstyles for my lovely DK main. I particularly like this one.

And of course…

Don’t know yet. I have a feeling I keep thinking there can’t be any better customization options, then they proof me wrong.
Although the best thingy the could do is add a toiletbrush hairstyle option for male gnomes

Void Elves skin colors!

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I really like a lot of the coming customisations, but the only ones I’m planning to use on my existing characters are the no-bones undead (can’t wait til my spine no longer pokes through my cloak!) and the different druid forms.

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My favorites are the undead (especially the punk hairstyle for females) and the night elf customization options. The female draenei tail jewellery is neat too.

And I really hope there will be more for trolls (Beards for males and green skin would be nice)
My lovely Mira looks so much better with these new options

(Now please give us red DK eyes and she will be perfect :pray: )


Best : Trolls, EVERYTHING!

Worst: Undead by far. Very underwhelming. They could have put more work into that.

You can have it now also (google), no need to wait for SL.

The new hairstyles for trolls, especially the first one.

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I am going to enjoy these looks on my mage :


Thought it was just the Chinese client?


I got my eye on night elf females.