What's your new favorite Shadowlands character customization option?

Personally I’m a big fan of the nelf hair options and the tauren war paintings!


Troll tattoos/ paint.

Night elves by far got the most interesting customization. Going back to Warcraft 3 roots.

Trolls got some cool customization too! Only missing a Green skin. By far it’s the most interesting Horde customization.

I think majority of them are great! :smile:

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Dark skin for Blood Elves. I have quite a few characters who ICly have dark skin, and the in-game choices were very, very poor. I feel like I had my wish finally granted after so many years. Oh, and beards for male Blood Elves.

My second favourite is the Wildhammer tattoos. Been waiting for ages for those.

I think it’s hard to pin point, so far they are doing a great job with all the new bits and bobs we’ve seen.

I am definitely going to change two of my paladins back into taurens when the changes go live to take advantage of those customisations. I love the Belf ones. I love the Nelf ones too. My undead will probably become a female with that great punk hair option. My trolls will need a revisit too!!

Probably the new skin tones and flesh options for forsaken.

Necrosa has been waiting for years (across all 3 of his incarnations) for this!

Hi everybody!


Covered undead bones.

Tauren paint and the Night elf leaf hair is up there too.

Everything else is kind of whatever to me. Personally I have my belf just the way I like him, i’ve used the same face / eyebrows / hair / skin tone since I joined this game.

Troll - Paint face/body, hairstyles and piercings
Tauren - black+brown skin <3 Also hairstyle over eyes. Paint body!
Flowers on female tauren hairs.
All elves - hairstyles, color skins and eyes
Undead - hairstyles and hide bones
Worgens - eyes and colors skins

So far, everything but Forsaken. I think Blizzard really dropped the ball in that one.

Druids and Worgens being able to customize each form separately. I don’t play either much, but it is an amazing addition.

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Since i only play draenei (and havent really paid attention to all the new updates) i’m gonna say blingbling for my tail :sweat_smile::star_struck:


How exactly? Do you mean quality-wise or are you just not getting what you wanted?

Yrel’s horns I guess, but considering the fact that the name is unavailable on my realm, then none.

Druid forms customization 100%, super hyped, cant wait. Troll costumizations are ok too, just anything that can improve my druid’s look.

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Thought they were already available to LF?

Yes, but they can not look like Yrel anyhow.

Oh are they coming to normal draenei then?

Yes. They are coming to normal draenei in SL.
Though the name is unavailable, this does not matter anymore. I would better make Holystyle’s lookalike instead then.


And I do also rather like the body paints and additional skin tones that they’ve added for trolls.