When are twinks queing on xp on with xp locked characters get the same treatment that potion exploiters got?

Battlegrounds are still full of xp locked twinks. No, not throwaway twinks. I am talking about characters with 10k+ HKs on x9 level that win multiple games and still don’t ding. It is crystal clear that they should no longer be there yet they still are. Blizzard gave up to a 30 days ban to people for leveling faster (something that didn’t affect anyone), yet people who use an exploit to join xp on ques with xp locked characters get away with no punishment and continue to ruin battlegrounds.

Edit: Before anyone starts assuming things, no I did not do the xp glitch and I did not get banned for it ofc.

First of all, your title hurts my
Second of all Blizz have been saying twinking has always been a thing and they are all for it. Why else would they even bave the option to turn xp off?

Twinks are supposed to separated from XP On queues again, they re-introduced the separation again this patch.

The OP didn’t state which bracket he was seeing twinks in, as there is a caveat to the XP Off queues. The main one being “Vet” accounts, which are unsubbed players with a level 20 XP on chararcter normally in BiS gear i.e. a twink, they get to play in the levelers BG’s between 20 and 29.

Blizzard’s XP off random queues are broken, you simply can’t click random BG and get a BG to pop, not through lack of players either. In order to get BG’s to pop you have to pick a specific BG and queue solo into it. This works at 19 because the community is quite tight knit and only queue WSG, so the BG’s pop.

The queuing problem has lead to some people finding ways to get their twinks into “normal” BG’s, I don’t condone it or do it but I do understand why

Honestly, I have seen twinks on all brackets, up to 111-119 bracket.

In regards to Blizzards point of view: XP off queue times are longer than xp on - #3 by Aerythlea-2611

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