When are you fixing War-Mode?

I must be one of the unlucky thousands i guess.


PepeLaugh “doesn’t get lag”


There’s probably thousands of reasons you could be lagging. Have you contacted support?

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Yeah they’ll tell you have you tried unistalling and installing again :’)


We don’t know if you are being truthful, you could post your support convo as evidence. But if they did suggest that, did you reinstall?

6pm 2 days ago: The inconvenient truth of world PvP & why to turn War Mode off and roll PvE in Classic - #4 by Destruct-runetotem

I don’t even bother anymore before 12am, 9pm at it’s earliest. Not because I wnat to win 100% of the time but to avoid the darned lag. near 10 sec or sec Eyebeam into nothing… Having to recast mount 3 times to get mounted! heck instant looting the supply chest took 7 seconds!

It does get laggy if you face enough enemies at a time.

I get low fps if too many enemies.

Not talking about fps though, nor npcs.
I have a good example of what occurs:

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Ey, I don’t doubt some get server lag. All I’m saying is I don’t get unplayable lag in normal gameplay, in a zone like Nazjatar, while others are complaining in zone chat about lag.

Dude come on you cannot be serious, if you are you just don’t get what we are talking about or have never done the Battle for Nazjatar.

If there is at minimum 20 horde fighting 20 alliance the SERVER lags, FPS is fine, Latency is fine there is a delay in abilities and interacting with objects which makes the game pretty much unplayable.

The shards need to be able to handle 100vs100 as that is the stage that people computers start to give them FPS drops etc.


What can you expect? He thought lag == low fps.

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When did I say that?

I’ve done a good few battles.

I don’t doubt there can be lag if excess in zone. I don’t get unplayable lag tho. Have you contacted Blizz support to rule out other issues?

If everyone contact support for this lag i think their website gonna freez or whatever.
Let People talk about game issues, im so happy seing People Even bothering typing on this forum anymore.
Blizzard devs need the see - the issues MOST People have. -

Today when I went to mechagon I couldn’t help but to notice that I saw plenty of alliance everywhere, but no horde. When asking in chat how many where there I got answers from two other players. Bit later I ran into another one. So maybe we were a handful of players there.

Had to turn it off later since I kept getting attacked by some run of the mill retard while I just wanted to finish my bloody quests.

Ever considered that the only ones that answer that survey are the ones that have the same opinion from the very start?
The ones that are zerging non stop aren’t the ones complaining, they are happy playing some sort of pve mode with a bit of spice.

See, when wanting a survey to be unbiased as possible you need to target a wide demographic as possible. Web surveys that are sought up by people that share the opinion (usually unhappy about something) are often rather biased and therefore pointless.

Seriously, are you trolling or plain dumb?


If a survey is biased, so are posts in a forum. Therefore you are saying the forum complaints are pointless?

Players come here to complain. Fair enough. But both survey and forum are as biased or not biased as each other.

Good to have more than one source of information in that case. If we went by biased forum posts alone, things would appear worse than reality.

I have taken time to log a ticket with blizzard even though I knew it would be useless. They have given suggestions that I knew would not help but I did them anyway. Guess what still delays in large battles, and people still complaining every time there is a battle that there is lag.

I am going to keep replying to the ticket and see if I can get an answer from them but I doubt they will give one.

Yes keep on at them. The ones that suffer unplayable lag but don’t go through the support process have nothing to complain about. Eliminating possible causes is what it’s about.

Did they get you to send them diagnostic data recorded during gameplay?

If you and Blizz eliminate all other possibilities for cause of lag, looks like too many players during large battles for some reason affects you worse than others.

At least the battles are typically over quick, are not on all the time, and don’t always even start.

The explanation given is there is pretty much nothing that can be done, it is not the server that is under stress but networking before reaching blizzard.

Which is caused by addons. Those addons don’t even need to be installed by me I can be running the game without any addons but other people’s addons collecting data may cause flooding of the network before reaching the server. Which coupled with distance to server causes delays which are multiplicative.

So only option is to move closer to where server is hosted is the answer I was given pretty much.

So all people who have this issue there is nothing that can be done apparently.


Thanks, see, when I’ve been going on about lag, this type of info is what I wanted. And we only got it because you went through the process.

It really clears things up.