When are you fixing War-Mode?

Lol, blame the servers based on zero evidence. Below is the cause of excess player lag in zone, and it’s not the server.

You are really showing us what a troll you are lol. Kinda invalidates any comments you’ve posted slagging of wm, it was all just trolling from a troll hehe.

Invalidates my comments? Not at all I’ve been WPvP’n longer than you’ve been alive my Kkona brother.

I know how sh!tty the servers are and so do the actual WPvPers hahaha.

Neither of us experience unplayable lag. Looks like our special snowflake servers are working just fine :slight_smile:

If you’ve been wpvping longer, you’ll know wpvp has been a gankathon from day one. Maybe not on boring rp realms tho.

Wm= trash
Old system= better

Depends on point of view.

I can see how players that want a realm community vibe would be unhappy with wm.

that’s what i personaly care most about, the phasing and weird sharding makes me sad

There’s no point of view, you’re just simply wrong.

Says the fake lagger. You don’t even know if you are right or wrong on that, what makes you so sure you’re right on anything?

WM good or bad is 100% point of view.

There you go again, out there with the crackers, I’m glad I can come on here and laugh at someone.

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S’ok, apparently you do lag, you were just making stuff up :slight_smile:

Because a Kkona like yourself doesn’t understand sarcasm, I believe I have stated this in other posts. :slight_smile:

Just be better at it. ‘I don’t lag’ doesn’t read like sarcasm. Now we don’t know if you were being sarcastic, or if you were lying but now trying to cover it, and anything you say from here is suspect.

You generally can’t comprehend sarcasm can you.

Anyway… thread derailer… dam I miss Arkamedix…

My experience of wpvp is different from yours, so my point of view is different. I only started wpvping mid Legion. Yes, a noob as far as an elitist like you is concerned.

To me, mid Legion non community wpvp was fun at the time when I knew nothing else. Killing randoms was fun, because before I wow’d that was my pvp experience in fps games. But dull compared to bfa wpvp, which felt like an upgrade because more enemies.

If you are community minded - I see your point of view, and don’t think you’re wrong from your point of view. I just don’t agree from my point of view.

I get it, you hate wm, and are on wm forum purely to spread hate on it, stoke the complaints. Maybe you will try classic, it has more potential for a community minded player.

Maybe blizz could bring back pvp realms without bonus or sharding, but keep wm for those that want it. Best of both worlds. Hard to see them back tracking tho.

:joy: This brings joy to my morning, thank you!

I figured you for an elitist :slight_smile:

That kind of attitude is very anti-community. No wonder guild v guild communities fell apart if players like you were involved. Easy to blame wow, try blaming yourself.

Elitist, because you think Legion WPvP was peak or some sh!t you batsh!t cray cray bro

When did I say Legion was peak?

I said that’s when I started wpvp. Because I didn’t experience wpvp before mid Legion, my point of view is based on Legion was fun for me, BfA wm is better for me.

If I started in vanilla, etc. I’d have a different point of view.

How to lose an argument…