When are you going to buff packleader aoe?

I dont want to play dark ranger in m+, i want to play packleader. But packleader is trash in m+ so when are you buffing packleader aoe???


A rework would be better tbh. PL is purely passive and has no good animations…
They should just go full in on a Kill Command playstile with extra interactions with Tip of the Spear and Flanking Strike.

Every stack of Tip of the Spear that you use up reduces the cooldown of Flanking Strike/Spearhead/Coordinated Assault.
Abilities can use multiple Tip of the Spear stacks, and every stack used gives the target a stacking bleed.
Every Tip of the Spear stack used during Coordinated Assault increases its duration for 1 second.

thats why i want to play it. also this is for BM not sv

Yeah, but you can just as well think of any example using Tip of the Spear interacting with Barbed Shot instead.

I really love packleader’s play style. Just the damage is terrible.

I don’t understand why packleader isn’t like warlock diabolist
Let us summon lot of pets some kind of hero talent based around dire beast
make dire beast passive
Make beast of opportunity passive
Make every 5 kill command summon a random pet from you stable
Warlock got the better pet hero talents compared to hunter


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