When Blizz is doubling down on treants and other pets/minor units, we need a trap rework

Seems like TWW will have even more crap on screen now.

Since Hunter is the only class with a crucial skill shot that only hits one target, we need Freezing Trap to prioritize players.

Treants are stupid, lazy and counters Hunters more than any other class. It also seems like they have a bigger hitbox than they appear, as I’ve missed more traps on those than in any other way.

If someone stacks on top of the healer to eat it, all the more power to them. But when there are 12 Warlock Imps running around and you see the tiniest Freezing Trap shards in existence poking out of the ground, it’s grounds for a rework.


Agreed. Nothing else to say.

I hate how many pets in this game , especial the hunter , allow my hunter to be freely strongest with NO PET any ever !

Here’s the conspiracy:
Blizzard wants every Arena match to feature at least 30 casting and jumping pets, active at any given time.

This forces everyone to invest in a new, beefy computer. Nvidia then sends Blizzard some gold, just like back in the day.

There is this one Hunter spec that might interest you.

I tell you make sense ! And agree and issue they want me to lusting spell in the group I do not be able to do this about a pet !!

every time a treant soaks my trap while his master is still mouthbreathing throwing hots i just want get a chainsaw

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With the new talent tree you got 2x knock + binding that takes care of them

I wonder if it would be worth too kill the baby trees they seem too be the biggest part of there healing eaven bevor hots

yes ofc, ill spec out of scatter for the 10/10 times functioning bursting shot and i waste my knocktrap for the forest
how about we get back snake trap so priests are only allowed to fear against hunters when they lucky?

I was playing a bit soloq lateley and its rly funny but i have put 2 points in aoe talents so if rdruid stands in his trees i just multi shot them get my aoe buff and blast them away (most rdruids not start running behind a pillar and try too hide in there trees getting blasted LUL), landing a trap while his trees keep healing anyway is not that great combine this with your new greater purge and dispell hots on cooldown EZ

You anyway wont too switch targets vs rdruid so he need too hot multi targets, nothing more im favor for rdruid if you tunnel one target from start too finish