When decent Blood DK rework?

When blizz will do decent blood dk rework with some effort and brains ?

yeah, wanted to try tanking on my dk, looked at the bloat and decided that i dont want it anymore

When will blizzard do a complete DK overhaul and bring the class into the modern game, instead of being some bizarre vintage remnant from a bygone era?

My copium theory is during the Wotlk 20 year anniversary or maybe The Last Titan expansion since we’re returning to Northrend… Until then we’re just going to be some old edgy reference in blizzard’s backlog.


I enjoy dw frost non sindragosa, just cleave should be made better than with dnd, dislike unholy as a half pet class and blood because of bloat

Yeah same, dropping dnd cleave has been my number one request for all of dk for years now.

I enjoyed frost death bringer with shattered blade, really dislike breath. Frost needs to see glacial advance and frostscythe be more important in their rotation, have more talents that work with RW and HB. Obliteration should just be the main ST hard hitter.

Only problem I have with BDK is the rework to Death Strike and Blood Shield, that took it from being the ‘living on the edge’ spec to: Play it safe, you can live, but don’t you dare to take a chance. Have CDs lined up - or be punished!

The 100% to 1% gambit gameplay is gone.

I am not saying BDK doesn’t work. I am saying it is a lot less fun. So much less that at this point if you are not overgearing the content, you wont even get that BDK gameplay feel.

Sure, I can easily tank my keys, as I am overgearing it by a mile. Problem I have is, I see no reason to try push the pulls and gameplay to the limit. As there is too high a chance to get punished by how Death Strike, bloodshield and healer interactions now work.

So, ye, rework BDK to something else. Because what made BDK fun to play is no longer here either way (other than as a carry tank in content my character is overpowering by a landslide).

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I’m no bdk expert, but I’ve dabbled a bit and have timed a few 10s last season with it, and done some raiding on it.

Right now I feel the spec is a bit bloated whilst also not feeling particularly exciting. The lack of any strong visual makes the spec feel a tad underwhelming. It plays relatively smoothly, but it almost feels like it’s a bit like playing the game in easy mode (and I don’t mean this in a good way).

There’s a bit of a lack of flexibility on talents, the position of GG with the extra silencing talent is still bothersome.

Would be nice if we got some visual updates on Tombstone, Bonestorm and Consumption. As for Consumption, I feel this talent should be baseline or otherwise accessible much more easily in the tree, and then have more offensive talents like Carnage that interact with it, so we can have more distinguished offensive and defensive builds.

I dont mind a lot of keybinds. But they should be impactfull and strong. this isint a case :confused:

clearly blooddrinker needs to be toned down

Blooddrinker too strong, better nerf Fury.

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