Draenei are illegal immigrants who had no rights to settle on Draenor. Being kicked out is a fate they deserved.
Draenor died because of their use of fel magic.
If you think it’s justified you also think it’s okay for your neighbor to set his house on fire and than try to kill you and take yours because his house is burning and he has to do something.
So are the Orcs.
Than don’t say:
If you think I was trying to change your opinion, you are wrong.
If anything, I was just analyzing you.
Everything was fine ultil Sylvanas decided to start another war. Out of her agenda.
Also I remember how the first Horde ended up.
Too bad some players like you don’t.
The joke is on you this time.
Current expansion is: Shadowlands.
Not BFA.
Actually that’s the alignment of Sargeras, Gul’dan, AU Gul’dan and there’s nothing justifiable on their actions.
There’s other ways around, conflict.
Unless that’s the only thing you like.
Like WoD ?
No thank you.
And all of them are dead.
Just like the world they came from.
Such a nice example.
When you want something done right: do it yourself.
That was Nathanos stance when the Horde player character refuses to kill Sira Moonwarden.
Make sure the job is properly done.
Thanks for the information.
Unfortunately that still pales when compared to Teldrassil.
I killed her without thinking twice. Night elves deserve to suffer.
We are in the Shadowlands. Now is the best time to bring all our old heroes back.
The fight with the alliance is eternal. Until they are broken and laying on the ground this issue isn’t over yet.
The Orcs are native to Draenor. They are part of the breakers. Just like Ogres and Gronn.
Me: posts on a comment on a thread in the Story forum, hoping to have some simple nerdy discussions about wow lore.
Also Me: “Oh sweet Erevien is at it again, poor unsuspecting souls…” * grabs pop corn *
I made the mistake not not checking my options carefully the first time.
Afterwards ?
“Do it yourself, butcher !”
With the current writing team ?
On a cold day in hell.
That I agree on.
Blizzard would probably close doors first.
I believe in their stubbornness.
Im not demanding what you will say or not say.
You better realize soon that you have no control of others opinions or speech.
Not going to reply to your nonsense below this btw.
You think by counter replying me as a triggered child that follows the forum rules will make me change my opinion and follow yours?
At this point, you are beyond funny(and salvation)
So you are just like Saurfang then. Too Weak to follow up even the most simple orders.
My hope never dies.
The Horde is an army. War is all they never knew. There is no greater honor then killing your enemy on the battlefield.
When they came to Azeroth they became the kind you hate so much.
Overdramatic perhaps ?
Don’t like the exchange than don’t post.
I should remind you: you start it by replying, to my first post.
You don’t have to.
Better look at yourself first.
Posting this () all the time can hardly be considered an adult behavior.
Coming from a poster that I read people complaining about several times, that can hardly be considered an insult.
Blindly following orders only leads to disaster.
History has proven that many times.
Keep dreaming.
And where did that end up ?
- For the first Horde: internment camps.
- Garrosh: turned in to a Raid Boss than killed by Thrall, when the writer’s were done with him.
First demanding what we should say or not, then “OVERDRAMATIC”
Please grow up, its been 1.5 year since the teldrassil BBQ. You should have grown up a bit since then.
Its annoying to you though, therefore its working perfectly.
If you think you are a mature poster when you cry about a fictional incident inside a fictional game for 1.5 year and then bash people because “maturity” then… There is another problem here.
The OP asked a question, I answered.
Don’t like it ?
Move on.
Just proves immaturity.
Actually you were the one that came with:
Pretty hypocrite I might say.
Btw this is a story Forum.
We are allowed to use past events.
When bashing alliance posters you usually use the purge of Dalaran.
How long was that event ?
Longer than Teldrassil.
If you dont like replies or if you think you can dictate what people can or cant say then im afraid the forums are not the best place for you.
Imagine crying about a fictional character for 1.5 years and bashing whoever does not share your delusional opinion and think that others are immature instead you
The same can be applied to you.
For me this is just a simple conversation.
Trying to dictate what others can say ?
Are you for real ?
It’s called exchanging opinion.
Unfortunately that’s something you can hardly understand.
The joke is on you:
Insults is what you are left with, when you run out of arguments.
Doesn’t look like it
You forgot? Let me remind you:
The joke is on you:
According to what i wrote both up there, sadly jokes are still on you
Amazoner:Actually you have on one side an entire player base wanting her head
The nelf druids and the forum SJW?
Please, nobody cares bout such opinions
Amazoner:Yes, not everyone plays a NE, but Teldrassil is still part of the Alliance main cities.
Why should i care? xD
So you cared enough to write: "The nelf druids and the forum SJW?
Please, nobody cares bout such opinions "
But once confronted that you were incorrect, you replied: “Why should i care? xD”
In fact using your own logic:
I can now disregard anything you have to say, in any given time because:
Why should i care? xD