When did Blizzard writers cross the line for you?

They’re so funny, but I think it’s more of a personal thing against Erevien than Sylvanas per se.

However, I’ve noticed there is a lot more Forsaken fans in US than EU. Some of them are not Sylvanas loyalists but still root for a positive outcome.

EU forumers tend to throw them all in a “good for nothing evil guys” pot.

The nelf druids and the forum SJW?
Please, nobody cares bout such opinions :rofl:

You are confused child, this it WARcraft. If you want LOVEcraft youre playing the wrong game. It has war inside, its literally in the games name, get used to it.

As i said before :rofl::

Cataclysm and more specifically the Old World revamp was the point when the story, or rather stories, lost me, to be honest. I really have almost nothing positive to say about it and coupled with other, non-story, reasons it made me quit despite the fact that I was playing non-stop since the game launched in Europe in 2005.

I returned in Legion, not because I expected the story to be better (with few bright spots, Legion’s story was as bad) or cared much about it per se, but because I cared and was interested in what was added to the world building side of the game, the one thing that Blizzard usually was good at.

And then, the bloody travesty that was the cosmological map happened.

And then, Blizzard started spoonfeeding us explanations about stuff that shouldn’t be explained.

And then it decided to go full on edgy, both with Illidan and Sylvanas, but I am not 15 anymore, so I cringe at it (Rejection of the Gift still feels like something out of a tumblr fanfiction).

And then the setting felt unrecognizable and the world massacred and devoid of the stuff I liked about it.

And finally I realised that now I didn’t really care anymore. I am sometimes baffled and like to discuss some stuff here and there, but that was mostly due to pandemic boredom. Once things start rolling again, my contact with WoW will be only due to classic.


I’m just hoping they’ll make some decent character moments between all the old figures we know… It’s first time I feel there’s some sort of connection to SL as so far, it has been mostly brand new, uninteresting characters. I just hope they won’t mess it up. Dreadlords stuff should theoretically (important emphasis here) be very interesting, but you never know how they’ll execute it…


She either gets “Illidaned” or gets to go in the paradise she saw in her first death imo.

Unless something more happens after we battle with her which brings in new stuff.

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Considering how Blizzard hires man-hating, toxic feminists to write their story, it’s no wonder it went garbage.
Considering Blizzard hires unknown hacks with 0 talent to write key character book, it’s no wonder it’s bland and weak.
Considering Blizzard continues to retcon lore moments in favor of untalented individuals wanting to shove their own agenda down the throat of the players, it’s no wonder the lore went down the drain.

E.g. Female Night Elf druids and Male Night Elf warriors/sentinels.


This thread is now property of the Sylvanas club

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After reading the forums, I thinks it’s the entire Alliance player base.
Yes, not everyone plays a NE, but Teldrassil is still part of the Alliance main cities.

There’s a difference between playing Blackhand Horde and the one that was founded by Thrall.

Here’s the question to you:
Do you think that the Horde that came through the Dark Portal was justified as well ?

Keep laughing.

Nothing is more amusing than seeing a boat sinking, (Horde lore) while the guy inside thinks he’s right.

Btw they can do everything they want with this expansion, because I didn’t bought it.
But it’s still interesting to talk about it.


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The Blackand Horde was powerful. The Thrall Horde are nothing but weaklings.

No but they really didn’t have any other choice. Draenor was dying and they needed to do something.

Which is the fault of Thrall and Baine.

They don’t matter. Horde owes them nothing. We were even when they razed Dazar’alor.

It is always justified to kill Alliance scum.

That’s interesting.

Invading other people’s lands under demonic influence, lead by a Warlock like Gul’dan, who sold himself to the Legion ?
That could only lead to disaster.

Thrall is the founder of the Horde.
Without him the Orcs would still be in internment camps.
While his concept was right, because he wanted to flee himself from slavery as our in real life Spartacus, the recent lore failed multiple times to justify, why they shouldn’t had been kept there.

Exception goes for their participation along side Jaina and Tyrande/Malfurion forces.

I wish that was actually true tbh …

Dazar’alor is an example of how you go and kill an enemy leader, while Teldrassil is a complete disaster. Not only the Horde fails to kill Malfurion, Sylvanas decides to literally destroy any good outcome that could had come out of it for the Horde.

If you are playing Blackhand Horde.


Saurfang failed here. Because of him sparing Malfurion Sylvaans had no other choice but to burn the tree.

Vengeance for Rastakhan!

Thrall was a fool who has no ties to Orc culture. We need our old heroes back asap.

If Gul’dan hadn’t betrayed the Horde they would have won the second war.


No. Always. No mercy for the Alliance ever.

Spare me …
She could had done it herself.
She was there when Malfurion was on the ground.

That’s only if you are a Zandalari.

There’s nothing to be proud of on those guys.

But they didn’t.
Just look at the worlds Illidan visited, where the Legion armies won.

Chaotic perspective.
Not my cup of tea tbh.


Dazar’alor was a failure for the Alliance. Their goal was to flex their muscles in order to discourage the Zandalari from joining the Horde, and it had the opposite effect. They basically threw military forces out of the window, and now that half of the KT’s navy lies at the bottom of the Great Sea, the power balance is probably pretty even between them and the Zandalari Empire

Not saying Dazar’alor wasn’t a terrible blow for the Horde ofc. It obviously was

It’s good to know.

However, my point between this two events is:

  • In Dazar’alor the Alliance manages to inflict maximum military casualties, while keeping civilian losses at minimum.

  • Teldrassil could had been easily captured and used as a bargain chip.
    Avoiding a massacre.

But alas the writer’s will tell it was part of Sylvanas deal with the jailer and it was for:
“The greater good …” :unamused:

Meanwhile the Horde gets another black mark. Because while Sylvanas may get away, the rest of the Horde will be remembered of her actions a Warchief of the Horde.

BFA brought back Daelin Proudmoore memories.
That was like: Warcraft 3.


They had a choice, not to drink the demon blood, not forfeiting shamanism to become warlock, not going against the Draenei who would have most likely helped them.

Also, Blackhand horde was so powerful that as soon as it has been recognized as a proper invasion it got driven back to BRM and a single Paladin defeated them.


The entire point of the invasion hinged on luring the military away from the city…

And started by having them invade the merchant district. Unleashing a Molten Giant against vendors while doing such.

So I’d say that no, the alliance wasn’t exactly trying to leave civilian casualties at a minimum.


Even if it was though, the two operations hardly compare to each other. The goals were very different. The attack on Teldrassil was against a long-declared ennemy. The attack on Dazar’alor was against a potential ennemy - doing maximum civilian casualties wouldn’t have been wise strategically as the objective was to drive them away from the Horde

The Battle of Dazar’alor is pretty funny to do Horde side because the Alliance acts like it gave the Zandalari many chances and tries hard to make the invasion sound moral when they’re actually unleashing giant fire golems on the main shopping street and sneak into the king’s room to kill him ROFL

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Why should i care? xD

Why do you think you can convince me about your irrelevant SJW reasons against something fictional?

Its sinking because the trio of traitors helped the alliance again.

You spend months whining about BFA and you didnt buy it?!?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It was a massive win for the Alliance. Half the army is depleted while the entire fleet got sunk. Stop downplaying the event- This only further helps alliance bias.

Not even close. Kul Tiras is at full strength while Zandalar is at their weakest point. And for the Horde it was a massive failure because the BoD ended the war clean and fast. Infact everything after Teldrassil was a massive failure for the Horde.

I will kill Turalyon myself in the future once I get the chance. That mongrel human will not get away for what he did to the Horde.

Draenei are alien colonizers who massacred native people on Draenor to build their cities. They got what they deserved when we eradicated them.

RIGHT perspective. Alliance is the main reason why the Horde races suffer diseases and femine because alliance holds all the fertile lands.

Time travel fixes alot of things.

They are far superior to the green Human Thrall.

my second main is a Zandalari druid.

No. Saurfang got a straight order and he failed to execute it. He just like Baine and Thrall are prime traitors who always sell out the interests of the Horde to the Alliance.

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Boy you talk big…

Look, Turalyon isn’t going to be soloable since he is a boss xD and if even the mighty Blackhand couldn’t win then you stand little chance xD

Draenei crash landed on it and didn’t do anything bad to the Orcs, the latter were pretty racist though…

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