can you do what you promised 2 years ago pls ?
Only way to decrease Q time is to make all healers equaly viable… nothing else can help
As long game which is designed to be operated with 7 healers, operate with 2 healers 50min que time is unavoidable, specialy during later season.
Currently game have 2 healers with are god tiers, while others are paesantry without hope… this cannot remain in E-Sport game.
I understand some healers will be always better than others, but im ok with that as long difference is managable… but when we have situation when game feels 3 versus 4 for me just because I dont play meta healer, and when better do not win this is big no no. No one want to be cannon fodder and fuel for undeserved ratting for others. Its very simple let the better win, let the matter how people play not what they play.
Make all healers viable, buff healer mmr to be outright higher than DPS mmr and you’ll already have an influx of healers. Then make the game actually enjoyable and rewarding.
So maybe in WoW 2
it really could be this simple
It is very simple…
All they need to do is watch % participation numbers.
Holy truth is: All classes in WoW are fun to play when viable, people swarm like rats to play something which is OP. They do not play one spec because they like it, but because its OP.
Result of this holy dogma is insreased % participation numbers of cretain class, this indicator shoud trigger immediate buff/nerf action to this class and to underperformers.
Than we wont have situation when only 2 healers play and when AWC went live with only 2 viable healers which is shame to E-Sport.
Of these three aspects, the second (mmr) is by far the most important. The blitz grind has shown, that people are willing to put in the hours if they see a feasible goal.
In PVE, Blizzard has understood this. The massive nerf to dungeon content and increase in rewards is functionally identical to massive rating inflation in PVP. In S2, the average key will be 2-3 levels higher than this season. Why cannot we have this in PVP as well.
This will happen when healing becomes enjoyable again, and being a DPS isn’t about blowing up everything in 10 seconds.
nothing else can help
laughs in mmr
buff healer mmr to be outright higher than DPS mmr
Lmao dps would rather sit 60 min que before they would accept that xD
healers get insta pops no they should also have long quees would also stop them from inting if they dont wanna play a lobby