When do we nerf the selfheal of casters?

its unreal that spamm cc classes can heal so much and have wall all 45 sec


The moment they nerf melee mobility.

Btw, even 1 day before new years Rakar is crying over evil casters gatekeeping his 1800. :rofl:

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Bro you’re a warrior :smiley:

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Ngl self heal is really insane right now, even if the post seems troll.

Yesterday couldn’t kill a DH that was 10%hp in bg hitting my healer, I had 10 sw death on him + dot rolling he was still able to heal himself for that long alone with no mate around him.

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That’s just a disguisting game design. DH is able to outheal almost any slow consistant damage, but cant live a 4 sec stun burst.

I wish they remove all that healing from souls and give something like +200% armor and -20% damage when in demon form, and make blur useable while stunned. Plus darkness needs a major rework, it’s horrible defensive.

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warrior heal is gone with 1 normal hit from a rog


passive healing is high across the board and i’d be happy for that to be nerfed cause it only really hits the worst offenders like warlock, druid, s-priest & DH

DH healing is not passive. If you think leech is the source of healing for dh then you dont know anything about this class.

Btw the percentages of warrior’s self heals have been reduced at TWW .

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Rogues are not hitting normal damage.
What a comparison, shooting yourself in the foot with it.
When you come to the forum, try to make sense next time.

dude blitz carried u and solo shuffle ur highest 3s av is 1550 why does someone even waste there time on u

the only bracket i dont play is 3v3.
i got work, im simply not playing Linkedin simulator.
Soloshuffle is debatably harder for a feral or any other class that relies on coordination and its also a 3v3 format.
I am 2.4 in Ss for 3 seasons
And how dare you bring arenas into your senseless comment about selfhealing.
Dampening clearly gives a bias towards classes with immunities than classes with self healing.
also feel free to find 5 people and we make 2 teams wargames , 3 rounds of 3v3, ill play with whatever composition you want.

Self heal of casters? Like Warlocks/Mages/Elemental shamans? wasn’t aware that was an issue…if you mean healers that is another issue.

I wish Blizzard will make warriors the strongest class in the game, and 90 % of the people will just make a warrior and then they gonna face each other in arenas or battlegrounds. 2 healers and 4 warriors every solosuffle, with their infinite mobility and endless self healing. that would be the best things some of these people have to experience before saying casters, specially warlocks are op

The average warrior main will still cry and beg for buffs.

Self heal is not a problem. Currently, self heal is lowest for everyone in this iteration of the game

Problem is 20 talents for dmg reduction and passive absorbs. Absorb is not a healing, it started counted as healing when disc priests cried that they are not top hps in scoreboards. Was it WOD? I dont remember

Don’t think a healthstone that is effected by dampening is amazing selfheal. Coil selfheal and soul link was nerfed last expansion when Blizzard allowed Demo to be playable in pvp, ruining it for everyone else.

They should just removed self healing from dps and leave healing to healers.

Haha lock has one of the strongest walls in the game, pop that and you can spam dmg for months and it only just breaks

And then you woke up.