When do you plan to start respecting customers ?

I actually had that in Taiwan in a “shrimp fishing restaurant”. You paid for entrance and they gave you a stick with a hook to fish the shrimps out of a pond and then you threw them on the cooker.

I mean it always depends on what you sign up for.

Grow up big baby

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some light muscles for human females maybe some tatoos i need it for my warrior :stuck_out_tongue:

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But you still got your shrimp, you didn’t end up fishing only to find get rocks that look like shrimp.

This is how I see your restaurant examples under the WoW Grindlight. You go to a place expecting one thing, but find out you have to go through arbitrary effort in order to get what you want :stuck_out_tongue:

Writing a paragraph with the same idea isn’t exactly mature either :slight_smile:

Of course it is, because I am not going around trying to belittle people with statements like “Cry me a river you baby bzich”

Ah I see. You are fundamentally one of those people.
Not even going to continue now.

It takes one to know

Lol. I was wondering if that might be an issue.

And you did.
You got the mount instantly which grants a quest for a transmog set.
That is what you payed for.

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I dare not to imagine how OP would react in real life when he/she orders a Lego set which contains every lego to build up a whole city and the box comes with the legos instead of the whole city ready assembled :smiley:

sit down boomer

Why does this remind me about Veruca Salt?

You payed 75euros to get the pre order on shadowlands and the level boost, the mount etc is just a bonus and a thank you gift pretty much. deal with it!

They want you to sit in the game, so that next time the quarterly report time comes up, they can say “we made XY players play our game!”.

Key word is the “play”, not “have fun”. :+1:

Imagine if you would just get the set with the purchase - you’d log in, put it on, think “nice” and log off. But instead, you now have to grind the essences.
OR you can just let it be and think “okay, I’ll just let it be, it’ll surely stack up as I simply play the game like I’m used to…” but then the feeling that you’re missing out starts creeping in, so you just grind it anyway like the good paypig you are :joy:

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So… and why exactly are you still paying for the subscription?

Is it addiction? The feeling of missing out creeping in? Being a good paypig, as you stated so eloquently?

Beautifully said. :slight_smile:

Wait, I’m confused, the transmog set from the preorder is a drop?

Ok I read up on it on wowhead, and yeah, it’s a quest, and is of the worst kind of quests too. Well that’s… dumb.

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Other games make you pay extra to skip the grind.

In WoW, you pay extra to grind some more :ok_hand:


If you bought 6 months game time JUST FOR MOUNT in video game then you’re biggest idiot on the planet. #ChangeMyMind