When do you plan to start respecting customers ?

Wish i could say - Dear Blizzard … but but but i’m extremly angry right now !
Yo , jerks , I didnt pay 75 euros to get an quest for tmog set with extremly low drop rate .
When do you plan to start respecting your customers ?

Chill it’s, somthing to earn overtime not immediately just go kill bkodd trolls you’ll soon get it

Why would anyone respect someone who calls them

? :thinking:


Well, that’s a new low for the weekend.


I pAiD sO i NeEd NoW


Respect is a mutual thing, start doing your part and I’m sure people (not only Blizzard) will have a much easier time respecting you. Certainly, if you approached me like this IRL, I wouldn’t care too much about if you were right or wrong, I probably wouldn’t do you any favour.


If someone bulling me all the time , i lose every kind of respect .
Buy 6 month game time + get a mount , oh wait , 2 month after, here you go mount only for 25 euros. etc. etc.
Now we pay 75 euros , we should get instantly everything what we payed.
Its like you are going into store and buy food , but look , you will get one part now,other part you will have to wait outside before you deserve it .

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You think respect is about money? I bet you are the type of person that hates the pay to win system , but here a quest in an actual game that makes you kill things with a group , I farmed the blood gate in Zuldazar for 2 hours with a group of 5, and I got the mog, it is on me now, but the armory isn’t processing it.

I think you should reflect on your views, and know nothing is one sided. Respect especially

Ps you never know if they will add additional items to the bundle same thing with Warcraft 3, and this expansion is lacking , honestly I think a new class and preorder for early access would have been super good.

Why you pay 75 euro if you can get game for 40 euro?

Btw its about the level boost, not tmog and mount.

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Your store example fits on point. Ever been to a BBQ/Hot Pot restaurant in East Asia? You pay to enter, get the ingredients and put them on the heat yourself.

You’re paying to play :slight_smile: so play as long as you enjoy it.

No. You pay to play, not to have instant delivery system.


Wait,what:people are paying real money for transmog or mounts,maybe it was made special for you .
Now i understand what is with all that blood farming in Zuldazar and there are so many.
When people will stop doing trash farming then the game will get better.

Is that why you bought it?
The upcoming expansion had nothing to do with it?
Any of the other EXTRAS you get with that expansion had nothing to do with it?


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Cry more

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Bad droprates the first day, got much better today. I think they changed something.

There is an existing topic about the vestments but somewhat more polite than yours. However you might want to take part.

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Well, that’s a nice way to start a conversation.

Despite acting fake-angry, this is a pretty good point; Why is the transmog stuck behind a grind, exactly?
The store says that it “Grants a quest”, but apparently this quest involves “Go grind for something with a low drop rate”, which is… Kinda misleading if you think about it.

And you’re perfectly fine with that…? That you wouldn’t prefer a quest with substance and not a “Take this quest and start toiling away for the hopes of a drop”.

Kinda makes me not want to buy any of the more expensive versions if that’s what the situation’s like…

What’s your point with this? That there are barbeque joints in East Asia that work on a “Cook your own dish principal”?

But taking these barbeque joints on board; Imagine paying for entrance, then paying for ingredients, only to then be lead in to a room where you had to fight a pig to the death for its liver, only to have a chance that the liver’d be surgically removed from said pig. That’s how I picture this quest with your BBQ analogy.

Very mature.

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actually want to know something funny if someone finds your npc they can accept the quest despite not having the epic edition :smiley: good job blizz

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Oh, really?

Most likely it’ll be hotfixed within the next… 12 hours from now.

well its the content till 8.3 lel

btw you paid 75 euro to get a mount, a time gated expac and a time gated transmog.
You don’t need to preorder it as you cannot play anything of what you preordered anyways.
There are only 2 reasons to pre order… you like the mount and mog or you want to play other dk races around christmas