When is rogue gonna be nerfed?

lol you have ppl on ignore

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i mean have u seen this post XD

but blizzard isnt reading eu and they are not going to tune rogue after all these years anyways with anything that is fair so its okay can treat this as a general thread to talk about anything

i was reading and then decided this guy is crazy and hes 1,2 and thinks assa is not op i mena did someone tell him its not a class issue? idk


but yea rogue is “bit” overtuned and like usual could use some changes like we see blizzard keenly doing on other classes almost weekly basis

there was some good suggestion on gcd changes on post from Zaggra

they should set kidney 30 sec and set more gcds to rog and remove shiv

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is he saying that rogue shouldnt be played like warrior with daggers?

i guess thats a sound advice if want to avoid dmg :smile:

SL Ungabunga Outlaw sends their regards.

god I miss Outlaw SL Blunderbuss. and I never had an energy problem in that expansion.

You literally heal and sre tankier than a plate wearing paladin dps by the metters at the end. What dr mate, i sit 9 sec in a stun chain while your dots eat me alive, and if i trinket kidney in snoke bomb you follow it up by three more cheap shots and in stuck in there anyway. ny rogue defense here isnt credible right now

and dmg nerf on bleeds


Overall 15% nerf everything


Shouldn’t have eaten that last slice…

damn most argent dawn thing i ever read without being on argent dawn

my toe nails lifted tho

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factually inacurrate

You actually read all that?

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This question is bothering the community since vanila LUL


Hit kidney, hit garrote OR hit 4set hard. Should fix the class

like a true warrior always shouting and hitting on things

rogues are favourite blizzard class. they never nerf this disgusting fotm class. just look at their set bonuses or stats on xunamate. blizzard don’t understand how to do competitive PvP. they simply don’t care. pve the first, all things aside.

It’s not more precise, Newton was wrong. Otherwise light wouldn’t bend near massive celestial bodies, which it does. It’s just that he was not wrong enough to change our day to day life.

I’m sorry but you cannot say this. You’re confusing intuition and empirical proof. You mentioned Einstein’s principle of equivalence through his “thought-experiment” (don’t know the proper english word for this), the elevator thing. This is intuition. But we have a lot of way to prove empirically that something we can’t “see” (using our human five senses, whichever combination it is) is true or false. Basically, even if you cannot see something doesn’t mean it has no properties you can see. So you verify with experiment all those properties and that makes for an empirical proof of the existence of a physical object(A fairly new exemple of this is would be the empirical proof of the Higgs boson, or Aspect’s experiment on Quantum entanglement, but I haven’t finished studying Bell’s theorem yet so not sure how he did it) . That is why in most mathematical frameworks we don’t introduce objects directly as what it “can be” (intuition, which is MEGA IMPORTANT but just the first step), but as “what properties this object must verify at all times”.
Back on track, the same applies to WoW. You can build an intuition based of what you think you know and how it should apply in other areas (i.e higher ratings) but you’ll lack the experience to compute a proper empirical proof if you don’t experience it one way or another. WoW comprehension being a billion times simpler than what science can provide those days, it’s safe to assume that only through playing in those high end arenas will you be able to formulate a good input on what ability should be changed/deleted, or what ability damage should be nerfed etc.
You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about philosophy so think about the time you spent studying that and now consider me who has only read Kant’s 10 lines summary of Critique of Pure reason coming to you and trying to explain what was good and bad in his work. You would find me completely arrogant and out of his position to question your opinion although I haven’t done a 100th of the work you did on the subject (or you should). The same applies to WoW, you have people here who spent thousands of hours getting their knowledge, rating and such. You try do dissociate two different parts of the game knowledge so that your opinion is as relevant as their in some areas, but it is not for the very reasons they have explained and I’ve tried to as well. Your opinion (for now at least) is less relevant than theirs(I’m not talking about me here let’s be clear) which does not mean you shouldn’t have an opinion you can’t express here, but you should respect people’s rating as a proof of all the work they’ve put into the game and you did not (since we’re on arenas forum this is by far the most accurate metric).
Anwyway, sorry for the scientific off-track but I think it’s important not to discredit science (I know you did not mean to). Was interesting reading you nonetheless I learned about some philosophers I had never heard before (Karl Popper, may give a shoot to one of his work) so thank you.
Have a good one