When it is ready

When it is ready”, This is what Blizzard used to say about their games. Now, every game company changes and evolves over time, and the gameplay of WoW sure is no exception. However lately it feels like the game has lost itself. Not in the way it plays, but the way it works.

I remember watching interviews, people asked the same questions every time, when will the next patch come out, next expansion? The answer were the same every time. When it is ready. However I think it is time to voice my opinion about how WoW has evolved, and all tough I like a lot, its not been for the better, and 8.3 has so far been the absolute lowest point.

From an outside perspective, it feels like the game lacks such a severe development time, proper QA, that once was valued, and it feels like the game is rushed, and not released “When it is ready”. On Macs, the game has been unplayable for 3 weeks, there has been massive bugs, that easily got picked up and fast by the community. Rushed bans that later proved to be bugs. Content thats rapidly changed from week to week.

I get that most developers focus on Shadowlands, and that there are strict deadlines, but right now, I prefer the old Blizzard, that released content when the content was ready and polished. 8.3, and huge parts of BFA has not been blizzard quality that we all fallen in love with. I rather wait 3 years, have 1 year of last content patch, than experiencing this ever again. Somewhere along the rapid development, it feels like the development, or monetisation have affected the game in such a way that is not healthy for the games best interest.

I hate to bring up the monetisation, but it kinda is a point to it, as the buyable content, mounts, pets etc, gets most of the attention to detail etc. The quality of default content suffers, and it feels like the game itself does that as well, as we quickly want to move into Shadowlands, cause thats another 50 Euro. “There is no money in patches” is what this feels like. And with all the cosmetics for real money? You pay 11Euro a month, 50-70 Euro per expansion, and another 20Euro for cosmetics and character services. I cant think of any other word, then that we get unreleased content, and the company I once loved for being ready when it was ready, and kept getting delayed for quality, now has become covetous.

Ive also been unfortunate to be a mac owner, so 50% of the gametime, where I have not been able to play on my PC, I had to sadly get stuck with Kernels and freezes. 3 Weeks with literally unplayable content, Please Blizzard. Take a breath, watch some old interviews, please do not rush content anymore. “Release it when it is ready”.

Once upon the time, we were ensured, that Blizzard made their own calls, and Activision would not affect them. Sadly, and with the departure of Morhaime, the last bit of resistance that stood up to Activisions and their greed. Im afraid Activision will keep gaining influence of Blizzard, and it already has resulted in the Departure of employees, including QA workers, which now with 8.3, and the Mac issue is all too evident. 8.3 has gave me the realisation, that there is more money than love in this game. It genuinely made me sad to see how Activisions business models affected Blizzard 12 years later.

If there is any self worth left in Blizzard, and if there are voices that actually have a saying, please Divorce Activision. I hate to see the games I once loved get lost to fear, and a corporate culture that takes the fun out of games.

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I miss this too.

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Now only CDPR says that :sweat_smile:

In 2008, I thought Activision would benefit and give Blizzard resources to grow as company. Im legitimately sad to see how wrong I was, and the really sad truth is that it feels to me, that you are absolutely correct about that. CDPR has the guts to put their love for their franchise ahead of the money in some situations!

Yeah, I remember the cryposts about Shadowlands only releasing in late September / October, and the 3/4 year content drought in 8.3. You can’t really make everyone happy.

I’d rather have unpolished/buggy and even unplayable game faster than being stick with old expansion like MoP and one year SoO that made most of my friends quit due to boredom.

Yeah, sad but true.
Though I really enjoy playing BfA, it really feels like this expansion is abandoned from the beginning. So many unsuccessful ideas, poorly implemented features and a lot of bugs in each patch.

I think that this might be caused not only by Activision’s company politics (mostly but not only), but also by Classic being implemented alongside BfA and I am sure that a lot of resources were moved in there long before BfA even launched.

On the other hand the term When it’s ready™ was killed by players as well. I won’t believe that this constant “crying” on the forums for new patches, new expansion, new features, new game (or more precisely old game) doesn’t affected to how Blizzard works nowadays. “When it’s ready” is just not enough for players. They want more, they want the best and they want it right now. But there is no way of handling this kind of demands. And there will always be a part of community that doesn’t like the changes. And they will post their discontent here on the forums.

It’s sad to watch Blizzard as a company is dragged down to the point that they can’t decide if their own game is ready to be released, whatever the reason is. Maybe something will change at some point.

8.3 feels like a super awesome patch, with a lot of really cool details in it, a lot of new animations and works and other stuff.

But… sadly it feels like this stuff has not been polished enough and as a result people hate it.

I agree with your sentiment, blizzard needs to stop rushing, I’d rather play a game I love 2-3 times than to rush through a game I don’t like that much one time and leave it be.

Blizzard should take their sweet sweet time with shadowlands, release that thing in 2022 if need be, hell 2023 even.

But then release a shadowlands that is actually fun and worth playing, a shadowlands that has the magic of wow.

I remember times where me and my friends discussed what made WoW so amazing, and it always ended up with " it’s the little things that add up"

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While this is true, the game isn’t what it was even back then.
With the system we got today, running M+ and getting most gear from that, the raids are really short lived. I wouldn’t mind farming them for a few months for transmogs, or BiS items. But BiS doesn’t exist on the same level either due to WF and TF, and now the corruptions.

MoP had the longest ever last patch (yet?). Since we knew SoO had to last for that long, my guild stepped up to the next difficulty, even though it was a normal (now HC) guild. Today we just stop raiding after a clear or two. Both because gear is easily available in dungeons and because mythic raiding is (or has been) too much stress for us slackers.

This said, WoW has always had plenty of bugs. Most has been of a kind you could live with, or work around. If not they’d be fixed within not too long. I don’t expect it to be bug free at all times.

For 8.3 to be out now, was good. It was really nice to get back to raiding after 2-3 months break. How long will it last? We’re already do 10 normal bosses in a bit more than 2 hours. I see another long break coming before the next new content. Question is how many times can this happen before people just stop coming back.

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your “messiah” CDPR just fired couple of hundred emploees few days ago .

budget cuts :slight_smile:

i think that this would be brilliant idea.

sadly will never happen because there are bilions of dollars to be made in this period of time from 9.0 , TBC legacy servers , 10.0 preorder and milion of microtransactions.

old blizzard is long dead.

I dont care about employees~
I only care about quality of games :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If Blizzard will have to hire 12old girls working for bag of rice… but I would get perfect MMO… then I will give my blessing because my happiness is superior to others (damn~ I am so selfish :rofl:)

The only problem is that Blizzard is making cuts (they fired a lot lately as well) and delivers trash.

Blizzard shoud have kept all previous versions from the game on servers and let people cycle through them all and even create legacy servers that function 2 years with ladders and then reset and have hall of fames etc.

Millions and millions of players would play WoW that way. But obviously the Activision/Blizzard management are not gamers. And it really shows.

Well because they got a game ready and work on optimisation now (reason why the latest was delayed). A lot of people were hired for the project and that project alone.

They’ll hire people again, when need arises.

Worst idea ever?

Best idea to keep people playing infinitely.

wow lost itself when it started trying to please too many different types of people… i say go back to being the casual mmoRPG it was meant to be and stop trying to cater to competitive play

its supposed to be an adventure game, not some esport, not some test of skill (yes there will always be good and bad players but “bad” players whatever that means shouldnt continously get punished or even pushed to be “good” when good shouldnt matter in the first place)

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