When transferring, how to deal with addons/settings etc?

I found that I need to copy some data over when I do a transfer, but I couldn’t find out exactly what. A bunch of my addons have character specific settings and keybinds that I would like to bring along.

On the realm I want to transfer a character to, there’s already another character with the same name, which I created. When I delete this character, should I clean out any saved data of this character?

I was thinking of doing:

  1. Delete character
  2. Clean up leftover config
  3. Transfer
  4. Copy config

Is there anything specific I have to do for global profiles? The Elvui profile I’m using is of the character I’m moving. Do I have to back that up and re-use it later? It also has a profile for that server already under the same name.

Blizz should automatically copy over your binds and macros etc.

Copy the Character’s WTF folder and replace it on the new server.
For Ace addons etc. you’ll need to copy via their in-game interfaces eg. Copy from: Char-OldServer while you’re using the active profile of the toon’s location. You can then delete the old profiles once you’re sure things are configured properly.

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Most addons are written using Ace3. One of the components is used to save global and character specific settings. This makes some of the addons able to export/import settings, which are saved in SavedVariables folders. This folder exists under the real name, as well as, your character name. The former is for global settings and the latter is for character settings. The structure of the file is a simple lua table. If an addon doesn’t have an option to export then import settings, you could try to copy these settings to a new realm folder and character folder. You might need to open the files in any text editor and just change your char name from an old to a new name. Usually, they are placed in square brackets, like ["somecharname"]. Addons should automatically “pick” the settings. However, I’ve never tried that so I am not claiming the 100% success.

ElvUI backing up process is very simple. If you go to Profiles, you will see options to export data. You have a couple of choices related to global settings, like ActionBars, UnitFrames, etc. as well as private or character specific settings like chat, name plates, skins of a particular UI frame, e.g. quest objectives etc. You should export at least these two. There are more options and you should export them as well. If you log into a new char, skip the install process. After restarting WoW, go to ElvUI and import all the settings. You should get the exact copy of your UI. Make sure you also export import settings from AddOnSkin.

Awesome! I’ll make sure to backup my WTF directory so I can mess around not worry about breaking anything.

Thanks for the information!

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