When will alliance get free transfer off of Shazrath?

If only there was a place where you could avoid PVP… We could name it a PVE server or something. Then you wouldn’t have to whine on the forums.

Everyday we see the same sentence “Enjoy your Alliance free server when they will all migrate and quit”, and everyday we see the same Alliance premade doing PvP and killing us. So don’t worry, this server will never be empty. Only the PvE player that have choosen the wrong server will leave, and they already left the game. The real PvP Alliance guy don’t really care if they die, because at some point they won the fight and destroy us.

Meanwhile, plebe are running into the Thorium Point fly and cry because they play solo and they have to do 10 corpse run to enter BRM/UBRS because they have no common sense.

Find a guild, then find a premade, and you’ll start to enjoy obliterate Horde with easy honor.

Do you think Horde player cry when they get ganked by 7 Rogue + 1 Druid between Kargath and Searing Gorge entrance by the same premade everyday ? No, they don’t.

Actually…you are crying here like everyday. Find a guild blaa blaa…if you just knew. Its easy to write from that side of the wall when you cant see that theres not much left. All these new mythic+ dungeons like “Theramore boat” and “Try to live for a 30sec to see a satyr in Felwood” are hard to do when your 40+ppl active guild is down to 5ppl active guild. Come here and lets make a journey together to fight against those “your called brave and more skilled hordies” and we finally get one skilled and brave horde to reroll on our side. Ill get you invited for these so called pvp guilds.

why the hell we delete our full bis items 60 chars :confused: I was gonna roll ally at shazzrah with my friends but I know the allys like to focus on pve mostly so I choose horde cuz I playing at pvp server hell ofc I will like to wpvp… and that guy is right, karma and resist guild doing fine at wpvp if the other allys cant do anything about it, its not our problem… yea at start of p2 there was too many horde but now they all gone too… if you ask me, if all of the allys start playing again it will become balanced at this moment…many horde lvling ally alt at oher servers…

If only there were…but they are named normal servers. Poor trolling…a solid 5/7 for effort, maybe you could do better…

Don’t. Just let the server die, it’s too much effort to make it work, you will regret it, it’s no fun playing the underdog, always go with the winning side, that’s where the skills and fun are. Or if you are a masochist a love being gangrped…do roll ally on shazz :)))

Gone are days of Spy, if you would have been using it you would know it was not that great as people claim it to be.

I just logging for raids till bgs, then maybe I should start doing some good pvp with decent ally at av but for now lvling dwarf warr at ashbringer but believe its the same thing :smiley: its the best balanced server but still I just get killed by lvl 40 druid and 60 warr at redridge last night :smiley: but that was still fun till 60 ally warr come to help and we low lvl killed that lvl 40 druid :smiley: and for shazzrah I hope they open transfer from ZT to shazzrah for balance

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1 sided faction change.
anything else will not work at this point.

incentive? overly long BG Qs :thinking:

Im on Shazz and its not even that bad. OFC id like faction queues / horde transfer to ally, but you can still go silithus. Searing gorge / BRM & Diremaul is awful tho

im playing horde and im getting ganked with lvl 60 and on all of my alts, it’s not just hordes camping allies on shazzarh.

I am trying to tell same thing but ppl dont get it. İts not bad like ppl saying at forums. allys camping horde camping this is a pvp server ofc :smiley: only newbies getting killed more and stop playing and believe horde side has more newbie :smiley: server is always full and high even at night so this mean server is not dead. its just we rush and burn ourself with nothing to do now and many of us just dont like overpopulated wpvp and waiting for BGs, thats all

Say what? Razorgore Ally dominated? Haha. Id say its Close to even. But so far i only see horde camp flight paths

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