When will Blizzard nerf Gretar Pyro ?

Seriously, who thought this crap is balanced ?

You don’t have interrupt?


Its a long cast how cant you interrupt it? Not the shammy i got 2 off on in a row are you at nazmir assault the other day cause id believe it if you come on here to cry about it


When they make Fire’s base kit actually competitive.

Without Greater Pyro, Fire is pretty mediocre: -

  • lacks any real damage outside of Combustion

  • Only real slow is a 20% slow tied to Flamestrike

  • A good chunk of our damage ‘‘Staggers’’ itself via Ignite, meaning we have to wait 9 seconds (4.5 with pvp talent) for the full damage to be dealt, allowing it to be further mitigated or even dispelled.

  • Same as the other Mage specs - no hard CC, no heal, dispellable offensive/defensive CDs. Only CC in-game that has a beneficial effect for the target.

Greater Pyroblast is a band-aid for a spec that doesn’t really have a lot going for it otherwise.

But yeah, aside from that, just go run around a pillar/interrupt/pseudo-interrupt. Go pitchfork Chaos Bolt while you’re at it, that’s far easier to get off and can deal even more damage with cooldowns active.

Only caveat is, Gpy has the same pressure, ALL the time. Mages have Shimmer. Chaos Bolt is only that scary for a few seconds during the last 10s of your Infernal. If you f*ck the warlock up in that timeframe, which isn’t hard to do, then you’re good.

We suffer the same sh!t as you, though. Just nerf this stupid CB design and pump up the effectiveness of our baseline kit. Way more enjoyable for both parties.

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Yuss. Give us more damage/capability from the rest of our spec, then these stupidly high hitting abilities won’t be necessary.

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nothing is balanced . Blizzard know . But they dont care atm
turbo fists - gp - inferno trait - dh dodges %70 of melee dmg . not balanced but they not care

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I wish they could remove it, and add something else or buff metior to make fire fun again like back in wod and down.
We can wait and see in 9.0

Its hard to kill anything as fire without it. I usually do everything possible to get off a sheep and re apply if they trinket just to get off a greater pyro, after that i have to burn the enemies interrupts and CC on purpose so i can get another off. I run double frost nova talent as fire for that purpose so i can get melee in 1 once theyve used interrupts so i can get another greater pyro off cause theyre pretty much needed to land a kill

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