When will Intellectuals learn?

So no examples, gotcha.

Since a picture speaks a thousand words. :clown_face:

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So you are saying I do take donations?
Not once have I ever taken anything, I do have what little integrity and moral is left in people in today’s world. <3

Post deleted


They did though, they did. You not reading the forum posts?

My brain has got stuck in some of a weird loop here. What are you saying? That you’re not human?

Every human has the urge to abuse and use or take advantage - that’s just a living fact, everyone thinks they could, and then there is a compass inside us, where certain people jump and take the chance, others have more morals to not do so.

I’m perfectly hundred percent aware that I can make tons of money off of free boosting, and the nice guy project. 99% of people would take advantage of it, I have a compass that tells me not to.


Where did I ever say that? How do you even take that away from anything I’ve said?

Not sure, I thought you meant I had no example as I was doing it, idk…
And the picture thing, show me pics.

Why do people feed this troll? They are just disgusting calling others child abusers and other names without any proof and they claim to be better then others they are just disgusting and should be banned permanent from these boards.


When the next chaps get exposed, you’ll edit this post if its still here correct?

I did >>>>>>> :clown_face:

I don’t understand lingos.
Tho you called me a clown for putting up the example, and that you had proof so I was a clown to state the example.

But you said…

You even said it twice. If you wouldn’t do the things that you claim ‘every human’ would do, then you’re obviously not human.

Every human as in 99% Sorry!
Well 99% of all humans.

“Lizard noises”"

With this i agree i still don’t understand why they didn’t took all profit for themselfs
i know that if i was them i will try insta ban all the people trying to live off my company product :smiley:
but hey i’m not the owner or anything so
i just play the game and trying to point out what can be improved

And that’s what I mean right, not everyone has time or want to seek justice or want to even do anything, they want to just play and relax. But when the game is at such a bad place people have to be skeptical and want answers.

The people in here commneting are ignorant and know nothing, I for a fact know everything I wrote is true. But they like you just play the game.

You dont comment back like you know, because you dont right, you just play the game liek they do, which is your right.

You are so deluded OP it is beyond a meme now coming onto a gaming forums and calling people abusers and sexual attackers you need to seek guidance it is not natural to speak like you do its not funny you are scary.


I am sorry, you want more people exposed before you can compute the problems with wows community? I’m sorry, we need more victims before you want to realize there is a problem. I’m sorry.

You should not speak of it on a forum for young gamers , you have problems and PROOF go to blizzard but spare the rest of us your mind and thoughts .
Being a person who has been sexually attacked and abused i do not wish to see posts like this on a game forum for crying out loud can you see its not right and you say you have morals …

I should in fact speak on a forum to gets people attention to at least hope they’ll be more motivated to find out, and get answers so we can stop it. I’m very much sure that people that have been in said scenarios would love people to advocate to stop more harm to be done, wether it be on the forum or elsewhere.

We want a stop to it, and we need people to know, best way is put it out there. Very simple.