When will MM hunters be normal?

All the time when I play M+, I am behind other classes like warriors or paladins who have the same item level as me. Why is that?
Let me remind you that warriors and paladins have good defence and can heal themselves better than hunters. And why there is a legendary weapon just for them lol?
People keep telling me to switch to BM, because their damage output is better. But I want to play MM, because I like its rotation.
Blizz has been constantly listening to PvP players and nerfing MM hunters, but didn’t you think that that means it will do worse in M+ too?

Please increase the arcane shot and multi-shot damage by 40%. In this season it would just increase by 3% the overall damage output, but it will mean something.

Even if you buffed AS/MS by100% you’d still be behind in overall output by quite a margin. The real problem of MM right now is the damage of Rapid fire. The 4p set forces to use RF as much and as often as we can but it’s very low proc rate combined with the Meh damage of rapid fire makes it impossible to compete in PVE content (trust me I tried). BM hunters can spam Kill Command like no tomorrow and it does comparable damage to Aimed shot which requires time, resources and no movement from the MM hunter. You just can’t compete. What MM requires now is bot just a small up to it’s damage but a complete overhaul of it’s design.

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As a warrior player I want to tell you, that you don’t need leggo, it won’t solve a problem with your damage in m+.
I think that spec is not properly tuned for this pack of dungeons, because in raids where most of fights you have possibility to stand still and cast your shoots MM hunters now in S tier (you can check archon, it takes info from logs).

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It takes data from logs, but badly.

MM is not an S tier spec lol. It’s a pure pad spec, absolutely useless on anything that matters. Because MM is decent at AoEing adds on gnarlroot, or padding on fyrakk adds, it massively inflates overall numbers. Now look at boss damage, or any damage that actually matters, and it’s basically the worst spec in the game. You can even look at bosses individually on archon (which I wouldnt suggest, site is bad), and it varies between a bunch of C tiers, and a couple of B-A tiers. How does that put it as S tier overall?

It’s better to actually just look at the source - warcraftlogs. MM is bottom on boss damage, mediocre on overall damage (padded up by AoE on fights to kill garbage mobs).

There is a great article on why sites like subcreation/archon are pretty garbage here: https://zugzugcreation.fly.dev/ if you want to read it.

For example, this is boss damage on fyrakk, the most important metric of the tier: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/35#boss=2677&dataset=99&metric=bossdps


Checked the article, fully agree with it, and about archon, just used it, because it’s top 3 in google search, so I didn’t check some better source for info (now will use warcraftlogs).

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