When will the alliance bias end?

There seems to be a certain ignorance about the reality of lore and gameplay biases alike. So in regards to lighten up points. Let’s make a little recap. By listing up all the biases blizzard implemented for the alliance from the very start. It’s gonna be alot. But maybe some alliance posters here will be a little less obnoxious and ignorant afterwards. Let’s start shall we?

I won’t even go as far back as Wc1 and 2 since the good vs evil build up was everywhere. So just start it with vanilla launch. This has to be the most obvious and gross inbalance from any mmo I’ve seen in my life. Usually devs split the world up 50 to 50. But not warcraft no.

  • more zones. Gameplay too. Much easier start off for leveling.
  • more protagonist powers.
  • more characters.
  • being coded as hero and protagonist faction of the game.
  • neutral content being 100% alliance content. Sole exception is cataclysm.
  • horde community didn’t exist until TBC since nobody really played horde pre blood elves.
  • Azeroth being pretty much dominated by the alliance until MoP wrecked it.
  • as seen on classic servers. Horde gets always mass ganked in contested zones.
  • Horde has lost so many noticeable characters as loot fodder I stopped counting. Meanwhile all the Alliance truly lost is Varian. His death gave the rise to the only competent leader left. Anduin.
  • Legion’s and bfa conclusion showed it again. The Dev teams shill for the Alliance. Horde remains fractured.
  • Alliance raided our cities 4 times. I have yet to see any alliance Themed raid where their head of the faction dies as raid boss.
  • plot armor is another point. Gelbin, Jaina, Genn, Malfurion. They have faced situations where they should’ve died but didn’t. The bias oozes here the hardest.

So no. There is no horde bias just because that faction dares to even exist. But there is plenty of alliance bias since blizzard caters to their well being pretty much at any time given. I expect Shadowlands will be just the same with Tyrande and Bolvar.

Truly. The best things always happened when the Alliance got hit hard actually. See Warcraft 3 and cataclysm. Those were the times the story had it’s peak. Blizzard should start writing those stories again. Instead of "The Alliance wins against everyone with minimal casualties."

Great. Glad we talked about it. Hope it helped.

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I wouldn’t necessarily say that the Aliance didn’t get hit hard since then, however there is a point to be made about their losses and such being narratively meaningful, which they really were not and only really served to establish the contemporary Warchief as baaaad neeewsies and not really delving into it any farther than that. Just shock value. It was true, when Theramore happened and it was doubly true, when Teldrassil happened neither really lead into anything meaningful(yet)

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