When will the alliance finally lose?

So after 20 years of constant Horde beat down any time Blizzard needed extra villains the Horde is in shambles while the Alliance is doing fine. All their leaders are alive while the Horde leadership was fully obliterated many times over. This needs to stop. We need some faction justice. Let the alliance lose just as hard as the Horde did during the second war so the alliance fans finally can have a taste of what it feels like to be a sad loser for once.


But… But… Their king has PTSD now!


So? Still their only dead leader ever was Varian. Now look at the Horde cast to compare.

I was being sarcastic
Horde always suffers while Alliance slowly turns into main characters


I think if Blizzard would ever treat the Alliance the same way you can expect an instant rage quit from all fans at the same time.

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Well…if the Horde wasn’t run by megalomaniacal brutes half the time, then maybe things would be different. Brutal leadership leads to brutal opposition, violence and death.

Races of the Alliance don’t seem as intent on pulling out an axe to settle a disagreement like some Horde races do. That probably also has something to do with the fewer losses as well.


That’s the point kinda? Horde bad Alliance ultra good righterous holy and every other good word you may think of. We want some more equal treatment and to have some of spotlight which is mostly taken by Alliance

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People still believe we actually have factions. Cute.


As far as I know, the story of WoW has largely already been planned out and written down. Meaning players get no say in what main character dies and what doesn’t, regardless of any feelings of entitlement. We simply get to choose which role(s) we’d like to play in the story, balanced or unbalanced as it may be.


In what way do you expact it happen ?

If horde wins, it’s usually with war crimes , genocide and over done brutality.

So past horde version winnings would just be a gore festival of chemical warfare , burning down innocents etc.

So how would you try and spin the horde out of character to make the alliance lose in a way that isn’t just edgy slaughtering for cool looking horde chads?

The alliance mostly „wins“ because you can write them in character to not destroy the horde when they could have


It is old and it is petty. Many play both factions, because faction choice carries no weight when facing the world’s destruction over and over. Move on, folks :upside_down_face:


To engage with this a bit more seriously: If the faction conflict was to be an ongoing thing it was always stupid to have a winning side at all. It should never have been an expansion plot that gets finished when the next one comes out, it should just be a constant back and forth in the background that colors the main story whatever it is, without overshadowing it. The world-ending threats should be the gods and monsters that we raid, the other faction should just have been constant opposition on our level.

All players that were engaged in faction rivalries lost, when the Horde went all WMD and predictably lost, because it killed anything interesting about the faction conflict. Repeating it just drove the nail in the coffin. And now the factions are dead.

(Apart from that “the game made me suffer, so I want other players to suffer the same” is pretty ugly.)


Horde being villains batted is the main reason.

No that’s fairness.

Easy. 3 city raids and 90% of their leaders dead. The same Thing happened to the Horde.

We may not have a word in this, but that does not mean that we have to accept everything
We have complete rights to be unhappy with anything we find unpleasant and we also have rights to voice our unhappiness

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Totally agree. Blizzard gets away with a bad story way too often.

Dam that’s childish. Why did I even expact a real response ….


No this is a call for justice. If the Horde was denied any fun from the story the same should happen the other way around. Blizzard should be god damm thankful the Horde players didn’t leave the game forever after BFA.

You cannot expect a real respons from Erevien.