Did anyone even try to hide said colors?
Oke, but why would Tyrande or the heroes of Azeroth care about those unknown souls, really? We don’t know how, why, or when those unknown souls were sucked into the Maw, all we know is that like 99.9% of the night elven souls in the Maw were there because of direct interference of Sylvanas and not because they deserved the Maw?
That’s not putting them on a pedestal, that’s just doing the right thing. That’d be like saying “Oh, Shadowlands put the orcs and trolls on a pedestal because of Draka is a very important Warrior-with-the-skills-of-a-master-spy or Vol’jin was made a Loa or we’re saving the Troll Loa while we sacrificed the night elven Wild God”, or how it put the blood elves on a pedestal because both Kael’thas and Sylvanas are on the path of redemption for their sins of the past.
Nightborne are just as useless tbf, they’re some weird copy-mix of both “ancient highborne” and present day blood elven culture, but they vaguely look like the superior elven race (night elves).
Except they did not, the druids slept in Barrow Dens, but the night elven people lived in places such as Astranaar, Nighthaven etc.
Technically Alleria is not a traitor as the people that now rule her former homeland are not the same as those that ruled when she left.
Also, the High Home was still part of the Alliance when she left.
Anasterian left the alliance the minute the second war was over. Read the chronicles. The elves were more part of the Horde in time span then they were members of the alliance.
They did, but that was after the Alliance Expedition no?
Things changed and she needs to understand that, that’s why she’s not fit as a (co)-ruler of Blood Elves who chose to study the Void to find another way to protect their homeland when she did it because she had a beef with X’era. She knows nothing of the hardships Blood Elves have been through (she has never been one) and can’t grasp how heavy the price of choosing to study the Void was for Umbric’s followers. She’s so clueless that she thought she could convince Lor’themar to leave the Horde and join back the Alliance, caused a mess at the Sunwell when she was dumb enough to get too close to it which could have destroyed it once again. If she had known how hard it was for the people of Quel’thalas to survive without it, she would have kept her distances out of safety. Alleria can go, I could care less whether she lives or dies.
One of the clear cut takeaways of the expansion is that nobody deserves the Maw. It was one of the key driving forces that motivated the rebellion against the order of the Shadowlands and one of the things that got clearly amended, even if the solution is remarkably stupid outside the scope of having Sylvanas do stuff off screen.
Also there have been great many deaths over the course of the fourth war pretty much all of whom have ended up within the Maw, but only hte Night Elves were given any real degree of narrative significance, with the additional premise of them possibility being reborn through the bond between the Winter Queen and Elune. (Open ended, at the moment) Nobody else gets that.
Was it? Really, by making the Maw all about the Jailer I don’t really know what the place is even about without him. Seems pretty uncomfortable, but that’s really it. All the torturers who broke souls until they were fit to serve as armor seem to be something he created himself. Or at least I haven’t seen anything stating otherwise.
Originally it was presented as a place for those who are iredeemable and a threat to the Shadowlands, with the ending note being that nobody is truly iredeemable, with compassion being the flagship feature of Arbiter 3.0 to my understanding.
(There have been interviews hinting that the Maw wasn’t originally the hellhole it is today, because that’s something Zovaal’s influence twisted it into. I think it was Hazzikostas, at some point)
Originally it was presented as the realm of the Jailer. We have NEVER seen anything else there. After 9.2 it isn’t anymore. So we have no clue what it is.
We know precisely what it is. A narrative dead end, which they don’t have the motive or talent to get out of.
That’s what you get if you start talking about SL-Lore. No backing out after you started going into that dead end and people followed you in.
I was going off the Sylvanas book, the way it was originally described in marketing and the way it seems to have ended up. In that if there is a conclusive thing it’s that nobody deserves to go there, because nobody is iredeemable.
That’s my best interpretation of what Blizzard attempted there.
Mind you, about most things you said I agree, she is unfit to co-lead the void elves and she definetly is clueless. However!
This is hardly Alleria’s fault as no one knew that would happen. She’s not dumb for getting close to it, because even as elf infused with the void she was perfectly capable of bieng near Lightforged, share portals and remain within the Lightforged Vindicaar.
Besides you’d think Lor’themar wouldn’t have atleast warned Alleria if her void-infused state would be a risk to the Sunwell, if not outright banned her from getting near?
Well that’s stupid. An eternity of torture in Revendreth or Maldraxxus ia better it seems. Or getting stitched into a Maldraxxian abomination.
Last I checked, we still don’t know why Zovaal the Good Guy rebelled against the plan?
That is because they were genocided, with only a fraction of their people surviving and their lands made uninhabitable and the genociders occupying the habitable parts of their lands (Ashenvale).
I mean, yeah I would love for a more diverse racial presence but apparently other races didn’t die in such great numbers that they’re virtually extinct on Azeroth.
Oh well, we may atleast get King Lor’themad Theron since he said he was gonna visit someone in the Shadowlands while there.
I don’t believe that is going to happen, the Eternal Ones are Titan-esque but they are not “gods” in the sense of bieng all powerful (as shown with us beating up Titans and Eternal Onea), so I doubt they have the power to bring back the death (which would also break the cycle).
That’s just stupid and not true. The likes of Sargeras, Kil’jaedan, Archimonde, Zovaal and Sylvanas are irredeemable. Also every trogg and Horde member on existence.
Thinking that the Sunwell would react to the Void the same way flesh being do makes no sense. If that really was her reasoning, she’s dumber than I thought.
Rommath warned him, but since Lor’themar thought that Alleria could control herself I don’t see how he could be blamed for trusting her.
We know. It’s because he wanted to unite the cosmos under his rule to face an upcoming threat.
Necromancers can bring back the dead but higher beings can’t? O.o
That is true and wise
You don’t have to like it, but that’s the note the story seemingly leaves us on. (It is what the book leaves you with so expect the game to do the same)
Emphasis on possibility. And the two of them are specifically, in the business of reincarnation and rebirth.
It is the sales pitch for his followers. How the system was screwed and needed to be fixed, with him being the only one capable of pulling it off, which wasn’t entirely wrong by the virtue of having to visit Zereth Mortis to make Arbiter 3.0…
Revendreth has the implication of it being temporary, where once someone is “redeemed” they will either join the Venthyr or get relocated somewhere else by the Arbiter.
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