When will the Horde council be killed?

Jokes on her, it mostly is according to the Exploring Azeroth EK book!

Shadowfang Keep, Fenris Keep are the largest milotary sites in the area and both are under Alliance control. Heck, Fenris Keep is so well guarded by the Alliance all the artifacts from Shadowfang Keep were moved to Fenris Keep te ensure they stay well protected ans out of Forsaken hands!

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That’s true and valid. However seeing how the Alliance is Story is written with their highking I think the council will get no Development and one or two characters will be it’s voice. Likely Baine.
At least that’s how pessimistic I am about it.

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Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Alliance scum like yourself will be killed without mercy. DEATH TO THE ALLIANCE! Always.

What we need is Sylvanas who kills the council and installs herself as lifetime empress of the Horde.

It is not. The Horde council is trash. They should all be killed and replaced with people who want to kill the Alliance at all cost.

your opinion on the Horde is invalid.

Yet, a non-Forsaken is the leader of the Forsaken currently, and Alliance leaders (Calia Menethil and Derek Proudmoure) will be the future rulers of the Forsaken.

Thus Lordaeron (and Forsaken) belong to the Alliance. Also, Forsaken have experience with enslaving orcs, they did it before too after all.

Horde doesn’t have a empress, but a Warchief.


Screw off alliance shill. Nobody needs your opinion.

Do you need a hug? Sounds like someone needs a hug!


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