When will they finally align the Subtlety damage CDs?

We have 8 damage cooldowns, with wildly different cooldown timers…
Shadow Blades: 2min
Secret Technique: 1min
Flagellation: 1.5min
Goremaw: 45sec
Thistletea: 1min
Shadow Dance: 1min
Symbols of Death: 30sec
Vanish: 2min

If we consider taking Trickster, then we gain 2 more smaller damage cooldowns in Feint with 15sec, and Distract with 30sec.

Come on Bliz whats up with that?

Unfortunately they’re changing shadowdust to be 10/20 seconds now so it’ll be even harder to sync them up!

I think the general plan is to actually get away from what some call degenerate gameplay of always aligning all CDs. The reason for it is, that it removes any kind of decision making from the process, and instead of allowing each ability to feel good and powerful on their own, they’ll need to balance them with the assumption of them always being stacked, which effectively forces a Nerf on all of them.

Also, they seem to have heard the feedback and are turning away from turning more of our Utility abilities into DPS, so having to use Feint on CD for damage shouldn’t be a thing.

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I get that they dont want them all to perfectly allign… but some of them should!

Keeping track of all the cds is really hard, especially if you are already having to keep an eye on vanish/shadowdance charges, invis duration, slice and dice (even though that will now be a thing of the past), Rupture uptime, energy upkeep, and boss/add mechanics…

Having multiple cd timers is fine and good on simple classes like fury, or dk. But Subtlety is already hard to play competently without having to juggle 8 different cds.

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Last time I checked alpha, they heard our feedback and feint won’t be offensive cd.

I think that’s more a symptom of Button Bloat. Rogues have a whole lotta redundant abilities, a handful of things that do basically the same thing. They have just kept adding stuff, without really thinking about how everything works together. This is also why they can’t make any individual CD feel really strong, because they have to balance a whole suite of abilities that are assumed to be stacked together. Culling some of the unnecessary fat would allow for the buttons we press to actually feel meaningful, instead of just being a game of keeping timers up.

What did they change?

WoWhead still lists Feint as granting 2 combo points, dealing AoE damage and fazing all enemies hit, which is a 5% damage increase, and Distract is also required for a 10% increased crit chance and the capstone interaction…

While the core pieces will remain in place (Unseen Blade, the Fazed debuff, and a grand finish in Coup de Grace), we expect to revisit the gameplay that fuels this engine, and most notably move away from Feint being a primary applicator of Unseen Blade.

Feedback: Rogue Updates - In Development / The War Within Alpha Test - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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They really need to cut out Distract from the tree in my opinion. If they replaced the distracted keyword for dazed, then everything would align WAY better.

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