When will they make the game playable?

If disc gets buffed and other healers nerfed the meta will shift to less damp games :slight_smile:

If you don’t like damp games you can play double dps.

??? XD Ok man :smiley:

Err what? Freezing Arrow made contact and you 100% got frozen.

4 - Nerf locks
5 - Nerf GPY Mage (tomorrow will be the hell with sublety fire)
6 - Disable pve items effects of CoS in pvp
7 - Roll back mana changes if you nerf healing, but instead of nerfing healing, buff dps across the board and healing to make faster games like mop

Just fire Hazzikostas - he ruined this game


Traps not always were instant, so eating traps was easier than it is now with instant proc traps

Erm in which season you speaking of atm? I didnt really mind the arming time on traps with trap launcher, but the manually armed traps were always instant. Meaning the hunter would run in melee to trap you. Or the hunter pets pin into trap, how did you actually eat those again? HMM? Not to mention traps have always been dispelable. How bout the pin into trap, into flat 4 sec silencing shot? You want that back? Please no.

Why are you so biased against current traps anyways?

Watch some wotlk hunter gameplay :slight_smile: You will understand that trapping was not as easy as it is now

Traps didn’t trap right away - it took few seconds to trap someone after Scatter Shot.

Actually as hunter who played in wotlk >.> it was actually way easier back then than now.
Like I said, you could chain: pet pin (crab), scatter the other dude or trap instantly on that pin, trap, when trap ended just flat silence for 4 secs. You cannot say it was harder to trap back then. Because then hunters actually had tools.

Now you need to depend on somebody else so you can land those traps. Or be pretty good at predicting.

Moving onto Mop :smiley: oh boy that sure was fun with binder stun ontop of everything else

Wrath was overall more fun than this

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