When will you get over Taurajo?

You Hordies still cries about this Alliance advancement being the worst thing ever, despite:

  • It was supposed to deliver a non-lethal message to the Horde as an answer to Horde aggression.
  • Plundering Alliance soldiers were severely punished by every Alliance players questing in the area.
  • It was completely nullified by the Horde’s unauthorised bombing of a Night Elf Druid school in Stonetalon Mountains, killing most of the children there.
  • Jaina Proudmoore went nuts in Dalaran, we all know that. And since you got to go nuts in Ashenvale, it is more than square.
  • We killed that Zandalar king, but you assaulted Brenndam.
  • You nuked Theramore and completely deleted Teldrassil. The number of victims is skyrocketing! Where is this Honour you are constantly bragging about?

Rastakan basically killed himself or killed by Bwonsamedi

Rhastakhan died a noble death

We don’t cry about it.

We simply remind the crying alliance fans, that their faction isn’t as pure as they claim it is. Sylvanas went overboard for sure. But it’s not like alliance are full of saints and horde is full of evil. We’re basically the same level of monsters. The only difference comes in the form of a few individual bigger monsters on each side.

Alliance had Arthas. We have sylvanas.


Arthas is debatable, especially if the new story in SL can be considered canon. Maybe they will do the same with Sylvanas.

They already did it with Kerrigan, making all the evil of the swarm being the subliminal influence of Amon

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And sylvanas could also be debatable. It’ll probably be revealed after 6 years in a SHOCKING plot twist. That’s what blizzard loves to do all the time.

take Poor Kael’thas for example. He was a miserable blood elf leader in warcraft 3 who did nothing wrong and every decision he went for, made sense. And then in TBC, he’s suddenly a raid boss, an evil dude who works with the legion and all that. Then a couple of years later they finally reveal the whole story.

Probably the same is going to happen with sylvanas.

If i had to guess, I’d say she probably realized that every forsaken goes to the maw after death, due to the magic of frostmourne being from the maw. So her pact probably started as a way to protect her people from that dark fate. But eventually, she either got corrupted, is being controlled, turned evil on her own, or there’s a piece missing and we gotta wait to understand.

By other words the Arthas Lich King’s Scourge were part of the Alliance? My memory might not be perfect, but I am pretty sure the Scourge weren’t that friendly when I quested in Northrend.


Is sylvanas friendly to horde in shadowlands ? nope.

So do you take the same logic there too and conclude she’s not horde, so whatever she did isn’t related to horde?

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To be fair, there are still Sylvanas “loyalists” who think she was a great Warchief. No one has ever said Arthas made a good Alliance prince.

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He would have been a great king of the alliance had he not picked up Frostmourne.

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most of those people either just like her for her looks, or believe she still has a key part of her story missing and therefore, it’s too soon to judge.

Or they just like watching the world burn, at least in the video game.

Personally, i don’t mind evil characters if they’re well written. Arthas was one of those cases.

Sylvanas on the other hand, It kind of came out of nowhere and it’s just too much unknown and mystery for my liking.


Horde saved the people of theramore.
When are alliance going to forget theramore?
It was done by a faction of the horde that no longer exist and have not for some time.
So when?

I mean, he didn’t have to pick up Frostmourne to burn the ships coming from his own kingdom. :stuck_out_tongue:

In his obsession he thought that he was doing the world a favor by not giving up on Mal’Ganis.

Obsession does that to good people. The most recent case example is Tyrande.


You are aware you are defending the bombing of theramore and most of what garrosh did?


Those poor moo moos! :sob:



It’s warchief and warcraft. Look at the score.

What are you even talking about.

Of course. Let’s just kill each other’s children then and let honour be honour.

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