When will you stop saying "it's seasonal"

“What we love about Era is that each class has its own specificities.”
Blizzard: “How about tanking with a rogue?!”

“On Era, leveling is long, so unlike retail, the game really starts at level 1.”
Blizzard: “Discovery’s delight.”

“In fact, we like that leveling takes time.”
Blizzard: “Nightmare Incursion, you can level from 40 to 50 in one day.”

“We want a WoW where Azeroth is the main character.”
Blizzard (instead of enriching empty zones): “Nightmare Incursion, a new zone separate from Azeroth where you’ll have access to separate content from Azeroth.”

“On Era, you really need to do professions to make money, it adds interest.”
Blizzard: “Nightmare Incursion, you can make 50 gold in one hour!”

“Why not use Horde-Alliance rivalry to create PvP events?”
Blizzard: “In Ashenvale, you’ll need to kill the other faction’s bosses as quickly as possible.”

At this level of mockery, it’s time to stop saying “but it’s seasonal!”

When they add the new “Easter Bunny” race and the chocolate dragon island, will you continue to say it’s because it’s “seasonal”?

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Is this just a: I hate nightmare Incursions post?


Above poster is a “wpvp” guild that just outnumbers in faction pvp btw

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“so there seems to be some balancing issues with [in-game mechanic]”

bUt ItS SeAsOnAL tHoUgH.

gotta admit i hate that people are using it as some dumb copout blanket justification for anything that can be considered bad in the game… “BuT itS SEasOnAL” just rings in my ears whenever i want to bring something up to complain about, because you know there’s that one guy every time.

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the point of seasonal is to try something the community want, but they try the opposite wtf

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Exactly. Incursions are such a hit and miss that I thought they would shut them down or radically change (into daily quests at least) the moment they opened them.

Instead the entire third phase revolves around it. It’s really incredible how either def or disinterested or simply lazy/time constricted they are with this.

To me it’s the single worst leveling experience out there, beating even the chaos of retail levelling.