Wher is Balance

3 players full gear cant kill F… Propaladin (TANK) stak 5necrotic zero effect WTF hey blizz maybe u shude try play this game ?

Maybe these 3 players must unistall the game if they are not able to kill the weakest tank of all in the game ?

Or at least l2p?

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Actully op got a point…any good geared prot-pala is hard to kill…infact, i was in AV few days ago where we burned a bunker flag and it was only me and a prot-pala…ofcourse alliance players came to get thier bunker back…so the 2 of us vs 4 (DH, rogue, prot warrior and tank druid). Guess what…this paladin tanked the 4 of them and kept me alive by healing me as well…and we ended up killing the 4 and burning the bunker…

My story was just a pvp example of how it like to fight a good prot paladin anyway… am not sure if we should call for any tank nerf though…i mean thats what tank does anyway…die hard

They said 3 tho.

Missclicked , thanks for noticing .

Never had a problem vs any tank . Its 3 players versus 1.
Plus Prot has the worst mobility after Blood DK , how you are not supposed to kill that spec, i have no idea.

The only time we let someone live or run away was when it was 1v2 with me as healer and he toggled nitro boots & goblin glider etc.

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