Where are all the gnome and dwarf rogues at?

I am doing my part.

If you think you wont face any rogues (especially in s5) then I have some bad news for you…

@Nyel: As I was long involved with the Warcraftrealms and CensusPlus project, I do need to note that you do need a large enough sample of scans. Insufficient number of scans, especially on very small or very large population can lead to several types of mistakes.

Cuz human is just better then gnome and DW. NE is rly good on par with humans but it require some massive skills to push it so they all rerol human

i guess rogues will have a lot of fun shadowdancing dks and palas heh

My Census is basically scanning since the fresh realms went live. I don’t want to sell my own data is absolute, but I’m fairly sure it’s pretty accurate, at least when it comes to the three least played classes which are Rogue, Priest and Shaman. The placement for each class might vary though depending on PvE, PvP or faction.

Why would you play less favored races for pvp? Human racial is way better at least late in the xpac where you can compensate the missing resilence.

@Nyel: Well, if your data on every single faction lists those 3 as the lowest 3, it is probably fairly close to the truth, but I do have a few generic reminders. Data in the addon is faction specific by realm, and data collection sites compile data from many users. So it is actually absolutely normal for individual user’s results to vary from the collective result. Additionally, in many displays, display accuracy is limited. For example 7% is unlikely to be exactly 7%, especially since DKs can be sufficiently rare as not to qualify for a full % in very small scans, especially if one focuses on only 70s right now. Funnily enough, still their addition makes the addon more accurate by a little bit, because 100% is actually divisible by 10 (the current number of possible classes).

Also, due to certain Blizzard induced limitations, even two people scanning the exact same faction on the exact same server at the exactly same time could get slightly different results, especially if the faction is particularly large.

Other factors that automatically alter results to a degree: time of day (you get better data during prime time (high concurrent player count)), day of the week (Wednesday evenings tend to have higher prime time values than other days), faction internal popularity (alliance shaman tend to be rarer than horde shaman) and due to blood elves, horde paladins can actually outnumber alliance ones even if the factions are fairly balanced (and you know many realms are completely out of whack, when it comes to balance matters), PvE vs PvP (there are differences, but nailing them down takes quite a bit of work), realm language (believe it or not, class popularity is not always constant across languages) and so on…

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