It’s the future, the midnight xpac has released you log in. Suddenly a screen appears before you asking you to pick a plot of land to build your new home.
You’re surprised to see that you can build your home in any region of the world.
I’m going to think of one for each expansion because otherwise my answer is boring ESW.
TBC - Eversong Woods, durh.
WotLK - Sholazaar, I love the music there.
Cata - Uldum, as my summer house~
MoP - Obviously the Jade Forest, probably near the cloud serpents.
WoD - I want my Garrison back! With my own personal house! The Commander’s House.
Legion - Dalaran because it still exists there ;_; or a personal place in my Order Hall I guess. The Highlord’s Suite.
BfA - Vol’dun near the oasis… second summer house?
SL - Revendreth. Gothic Nim ooo yes.
DF - I love Waking Shores but not entirely sure where I’d have the house… maybe with a nice view of the lava but not actually near it.
TWW - Hallowfall, durh!
If I see that I have to build my own home, I’m going to say: No thank you.
And pass on the whole system.
I want a prebuild home. I want to decorate. Not build.
I also don’t want to see the horrible stuff people would build.
Anyhoo, with that rant out of the way: If I could choose, I’d probably go for a home in Boralus first (preferably around Upton Borough, it’s very cozy there).