Where are you living?

I still prefer the old zones so probably one of those:

  • Loch Modan
  • Dun Morogh
  • Eversong Woods… for the view ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A wee house in the Village of Azure Watch on Azuremyst Isle. It’s a quiet area which has some lovely woods around it (still feels more like proper woods than most newer zones with lots of trees and mobs). It has a good view of the sea.
Only blemish is the big space ship crashed into the landscape a little bit to the west. Hopefully that’ll be fixed one day.

I do fear the upcoming revamp of that zone as I don’t think it’ll feel like woods after as they’ll make it a mob filled maze like every other zone these days.
I likely won’t see that though as Gram will retire there in the not too distant future (quite likely this year).

Jade Forest, or Half-Hill… not really sure which.

Grizzly Hills, this is hardly a question god damn, that zone is so gas its crazy

The little house at my farm in Halfhill.


Because it has the best ingame music.

Also I love green.