Where did my...Alliance go?

Is it goin to get any better? I have a hord lock, i have pushed lot of c.r, winnin evry bg, eazy to find any decent group for pve progress, when i open lookin for raid, there is planty of groups who goin sinlava even castle, litterly evrying, but when i come back to alliance, ( ur fraction has need more soldiers) no raid groups, no arena groups, i cannot win any bg. I honestly have been forced to play horde. I dont like this, i dont like the building style and whole invieroment around me, i know its all matter of taste, that’s its not the point we are goin to adressin rignt know, the bottem line is… whats happingt to my fraction and when does it stop?
We have to relish new Elwyyn forest build design, there is no way! Azmangold has approved it himslef, its gonna alert all new piople and return truly alince hearts. I deleting my caracter on horde rn coz i stand for alience! KING wrynn woud be pleased readin this topic!


my brain hurts

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im not really good english speaker, coz im from Mordor irl , so u know where im from now, its not problem we cool.

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the horde bias is too far gone now I doubt anything would change that.
With that being said I ll never stop playing alliance, and I find groups most of the time, except mythic raiding which is very hard on alliance, but still possible.
For the alliance !

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