Where did you continue the campaign in TBC after the blood elf starting area?

So, after finishing the starting area at around level 20-30, did players continue to the TBC expansion (Outland?) or the next zone, which is the Plaguelands? Wondering about this as I’m thinking about going through everything in the correct order.

Originally, you had to do vanilla zones, which didn’t make much sense but they did add some blood elf npcs in. Of course, vanilla zones don’t exist any more so chronologically you should go straight to Outland.


And I assume now that they are adding Cataclysm to classic, there is absolutely no way to play the original route for blood elves in any WoW game mode?

You are correct but as I said… it made little sense anyway, levelling back then. In Cata you are in Cata then suddenly back in time doing TBC and WotLK and then in the present.
TBC was not much better in that regard.

Correct though there whas no really a route. It whas just that with delivering Alleria’s Pendant to Sylvanas, you are send by emmisary to Sepulcher and Tarren’s Mill to help the Forsaken Allies and once you arrived they basically said you just should do the quests there. So yeah there was no real route.

Yeah one of the reasons I loathe Cata.
So currently Vrathein you are better of Story wise in Retail to do Blood Elf Areas, then start Hellfire Peninsula and play through it. But honestly

yeah this. Because storywise as a Blood Elf you still search for Kael’thas as you want to join him until over the Scryers you find out that your Prince is allied with the Legion.

Alright, thanks. Not sure if I’ll go there or just BFA then. :smiley:

However, I think they should not add Cataclysm to classic if it basically removes the classic world. Or maybe there should be a separate server for each expansion or something.

Edit. Also, out of curiosity, why did players continue leveling in vanilla zones if blood elves were added in TBC? Was Outland not available from the start?

Outland whas back then only for Level 58. Blood Elfs started with Level 1.


Used to be you’d go Eversong>Ghostlands and then the game would push you to Hillsbrad. There were numerous blood elf ambassadors spread around the old vanilla levelling zones. Generally you’d go to a zone based on level rather than plot reasons. Until level 58 (Or more ideally 60) where you’d go to Outland.

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I am excited for Cata Classic as it is my favourite expansion but I agree they should have at least one server for TBC and WoTLK as it isn’t really classic.


Back in TBC when I created this character I did the Azuremyst and Bloodmyst quests which got you to around 20ish I think. Then I got the boat to Eastern Kingdoms. I don’t remember exactly where I quested but I do remember doing Wetlands which I think would have been about the right level for Gram a the time. Then I probably did Arathi and then I’m not sure (it’s been 17 years).
At level 58 or 60 I would have gone through the Portal to Outland and did Hellfire.

Things are very different nowadays though with scaling and ultra fast leveling.

They have a quest to go to the Undercity, and before Cataclysm I believe they had a followup to go to the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest and continue from there.

That being said what the correct order is up for debate. Like other people have already mentioned it didn’t make much sense for Belves to do vanilla zones and you could argue that lorewise once they were finished cleaning their backyard they went to Outland.

Sepulcher whas unlocked by bringing Alleria’s necklace to Sylvanas. The quest from the emmisar of the Blood Elves in Undercity to Tarren’s Mill meanwhile is available as soon as you hit 18.