Where do I check the Renown progress/next step?

Can anyone help me? Where do I check what I have to do to progress to the next renown level?

The progress doesn’t show up anywhere. It only states I’m level 3. Where is the progress and steps for level 4?

There is none at the moment. Quest is bugged.

Level 3 is probably the cap this week.

Yes, it’s capped by the 2 weekly quests and a possible chapter. Each one gives 1 renown.

First week cap is 4, peeps on the American realms already have the quest.

I see no such mention on wowhead and they have altered their table for the weekly renown. Source?

Last info I knew said that we will be able to go till level 4 and we will get 2 new each week, but now wowhead says otherwise. Don’t know which one is the latest one.

seems to be a bug

So, if I’m getting it right, there was supposed to be a quest, which isn’t appearing due to a bug, which would make us to get to Renown 4?

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