Where do I find people to get better with at PvP?


I have been playing WoW since 2008, but alost entirely PvE. I want to get into PvP, but I don’t know anyone that plays Arena and my entire “Network” is built on high m+ pushers and PvE focused gameplay.

I want to explore more areas of the game and PvP is my next focus, but as I said I struggle with finding players. I have used the LFG system a bit, but people will leave or trash talk you if you lose 2 games in a row and I just want to improve and learn. I tried paying gold for a “coach”, but that was literally just a boost and I don’t want that. I want to learn the game and improve myself, not just get higher rating.

I guess what I’m trying to accomplish with this post is to find someone who is willing to teach me and help me out. I play warrior and my alt is my fire mage, which is the one I want to be playing Arena on.

My discord is Longjohn#9098 and I hope to hear from some of you! :slight_smile:

Best regards,

I am sorry but I don’t think you will find what you are looking for here on the forums. I hope you do but just like with LFG the chances are slim to find such a player. There was this guy though: An update on my project who maybe would be interested in helping you.

I wonder how you see this as different as a boost though? Paying a coach vs playing with a better player who teaches you how to play?

My suggestion would be to play with your PvE friends if any of them are into arenas or try to socialize yourself with someone in a random bg or similar and start playing with them from the same level.

Best of luck!

Well in one case you are being carried and given instructions, and in the other you will spend time with an experienced player who will watch your replays, duel you, take you to wargames and do step by step things to actually teach you the game.

Sadly I haven’t heard of anyone providing a true coaching experience in this game (like, say, what coaches like Neace do in league of legends) rather than disguised carries where you don’t exactly learn much.

Best of luck to you, OP.

In my experience, the best place where I’ve found the partners I still play with today after a year or more is the LFG tool. It took many tries and many bad experiences (but also really good ones), at the end of the day it’s what worked, and you get to play the game anyway so it’s always something.

I have had zero luck at all with large PvP guilds and PvP communities where I ended up not talking to anyone anyway.

And of course, personal investment such as absorbing as much resources as possible from good players on streams, guides from sites like Skill Capped and asking tips to good players is always super valuable.

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Yeah I think that is kind of the sad state of the game

When I started getting into PvP I remember going outside stormwind where the dueling area was and talk to the people there while I was inspecting their gear (I was amazed by their stats and could not wait to get the same gear). While dueling I received so much feedback and they were generally nice and helped me on my way to be the best death knight ever! I don’t remember when LFG was introduced or when the community changed and maybe it is just nostalgia. But in my opinion the game was at its peak when people out in the world helped you - talked to you - went into groups to kill mobs together and maybe to quest. Nowadays you see people join / leave constantly and you never see people communicate with eachother. Often when you join a LFG group you are met with silence when you say “hi”.

That’s why I think talking to people and getting to know them before you start playing with them helps a lot to avoid the frustration of playing with someone random who does 100 mistakes a game. Playing with friends always made this game more fun to me.

Sorry, I’m already playing with someone, but as I mention in the thread I still hope other people will try out these kinds of projects.

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Same, but remember some people are only happy when they clone themselves. Keep queuing and you will also encounter friendly, non-toxic people.

Tbh i dont believe this is effective. All you need to do is to pick right class, learn how to do big dmg/healing, get bis gear cos the game is unplayable if youre undergeared, download weak aura that will tell you when youre in danger (that big combistion icon in the middle of the screen). Also the hardest thing is mentality - you need to be ok with losing against every rmp/jungle (unless you play it but in that case you win everything else). Then its about spaming games (thousands of them i guess). Basically when someone tells you what to do its useless since you kinda need to be in certain situation to actually improve. Ofc knowing your win condition is huge part of success but that nothing you couldn’t copy from streams. Also i would recommend watching some streams of not necessarily best people but rather average people who were able to climb cos their gameplay is not that clean and imo you dont want to copy clean gameplay cos youre probably unable to perform it properly yourself.
All in all i would recommend getting some PvE friend with similar mindset. Dont let loses affect your grindset since it doesn’t matter. Learn to do dmg since its the most important thing in the game, watch some streams to get basic how to against every common setup and have fun.
Anyway to answer question how to make friends - personally i made many friends by playing pve or dueling in durotar.

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