Where do I report World Lag?

The patch previous to the 21.12 patch, made it better.

The 21.12 patch made it worse again.

This is clearly a serverside related issue.
Or maybe… maybe a DX12 client side issue.
But you’d have to see input lag everywhere and not just in 3 places like pretty much everyone reports. (kul tiras islands essentially)

Still either way it explains the “requires a mayor patch” comment… sounds really sloppy though if this wasnt picked up right away before implementing 8.1… sounds almost like a spiteful action because people didnt respond too well after the blizzcon fail.


It’s not DX12 issue. When the patch came i was still on DX11 with all the same lag. I then switched to DX12 and nothing changed. Btw just today checked my connection in Speedtest, 125/19 mbit/s (down/up), 15 ping. And that’s with 2G wlan to my nearby router.


Same here alot of lag spikes

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No, this isnt about actual lag, thats a different problem.

We’re talking no lag, but it lags.

So ping and MS is all low and fine, but you still get a delay in what you’re doing ingame.

So your problem is a different problem that doesnt belong in this thread.
(not to be snippy, but to keep it clean)


Yes you’re right in hindsight.

This is something server side related, as admitted on the US forums.
They better fix this real fast though, there are more then a few moments its downright unplayable.


Seriously? You do not know? Well then, I hope that I will open your eyes WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect Look at the date of the post. This is a very big problem, but you don’t see it or don’t want to see it !!!


This man talks about a serious problem!!! Look at the video WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect ALL ppl have this problem!


Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

3 51 ms 50 ms 50 ms
4 49 ms 50 ms 50 ms []
5 50 ms 50 ms 50 ms []
6 * * * Request timed out.

Meanwhile if u trace the other server u go pass the same point

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

3 50 ms 50 ms 50 ms
4 50 ms 49 ms 49 ms []
5 50 ms 50 ms 50 ms []
6 50 ms 50 ms 51 ms


Really? Nobody complained yet? I guess you never look at the logs and chats… This is so low from you…

Yes lets all do a traceroute and solve your problem ourselves… We cannot play your game for which we are paying every second. Thus, you do the investigation and come up with a solution. Why should I solve the problem for you, are you paying me for that? If not, then I suggest you get working.

This game “experience” is a laugh.


Battle for Lags!


Playing wow without the slightest hint of lag.

Enters zone with assault currently going on, experiences lag, sees people in general chat complaining about it.

Hearts out of zone after completing assault, lag stops, no one in this zone’s general chat complaining about lag.

Ye I’m sure it’s nothing on your end, blizz.

Really though, this world lag is ruining a good portion of fun to be had during assaults. I go there for wpvp, but it’s no fun getting hit with multi-second lag spikes and seeing everyone turn into a blinking mage. Please fix.


Please read the initial opening post and other comments.

This isnt about actual lagspikes and disconnects where you have a high MS world/home.

This is about tons of people experiencing lag with LOW / normal ms.

Thats something very different, stop muddying this thread please thank you.


15 latency with lag as if it’s in the hundreds.


The open world lag is horrible these last few days, Trying to do world quests with 2-3sec delay when pressing abilities isnt fun… As soon as u enter a dungeon/raid/warfront/IE all works fine and when u go out again its back… fix it please…


Is there an update on this? After the stuff on US realms states, they are aware of problem and looking for fix.

No update on EU as far as I can see…


Are you for real??? Either you’re actually not playing this game or you’re outright lying!!!
Have you seen the amounts of people complaining about this problem? I’m adding myself to that mass right now as I’m getting really fed up with this. If you Think I’ll be paying for this joke of a game much longer if this persists you’re dead wrong.

Time for Blizzard to at least acknowledge that there IS a problem on their side (and hopefully fix it aswell)!!

Has anyone actually seen an answer to the OP Topic description?
As in: Where do I report World Lag?
Tech Support would benefit a lot from providing an answer to this rather than reading through countless pointless traceroutes.
And yes, this is not a client-side issue, it’s Blizzard servers.
Stop trying to tell us otherwise.
If you are so ignorant thinking it isn’t, then you haven’t actually played the game or monitored general chat and server performance at all.


Hagut told him to read the troubleshooting guide and then post a trace route and pathping in a separate thread, but the troubleshooting guide is pretty pointless for any problems related to Blizzard’s end of the issue, obviously. It’s the standard ‘reset your stuff’ type of guide.

The trace route and pathping suggestions aren’t a bad idea, assuming the problem is a bad node, which it isn’t in this case. A bad node would create lag for everyone trying to access the server via that connection, which isn’t what’s happening. What’s happening is that people are lagging out whenever a large number of players are gathered in an specific zone. Server can’t handle the number of actions it has to send/process. Since it’s happening across servers, it’s probably a coding issue.

Blizzard US obviously figured that out and is presumably working on a solution. I’m guessing they’ll share their solution with Blizzard EU once it’s been tested and whatnot.

Then again, it’s been four or five months now…


They did say that it’s a substantial amount of work to fix and would take a long time. If it’s purely down to overloaded servers, then there is only so much you can do about it. Some tasks can be divided up to use multiple machines, but there is overhead in scatter and gather. Then some tasks can’t really be split up in the first place. Servers have maximum realistic capacities, both at a world level and a zone level. If your entire playerbase is overly concentrated in to a very small subset of zones, then it is a big problem.

If there is something elementary they are doing wrong that can be fixed, that would be surprising, though obviously useful as it would be solved fast. But it’s probably a major server infrastructure overhaul that is on the cards.

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Hi Hagut,

Last night i started a reddit post on /r/wow (link below) due to this issue making Drustvar unplayable. This is NOT a client side issue, any suggestion otherwise is offensive to your player base. This is an issue that needs to be looked into on EU servers. Please also find a link to the same issue on US servers which has been
acknowledged and is being looked at.

It would be appreciated if we can get a non canned response to this issue which is ruining my and many others experience in the game.
