Where do night elves go now?

Night elves have a lot of abandoned buildings and settlements across Azeroth so can’t they retake one of theese? (I was thinking about Dire Maul in particular but there are a lot others too.) Growing another world tree takes quite some time , besides they are flammable (lol) so I don’t think that’s what they should do , I mean eventually they would have to grow another one if they want to be immortal/ live for a long time , it’s just that they shouldn’t have there city on it. ( Maybe healing Nordrassil would grant them immortality again?)


They are going to Nordrassil, according to the content datamined from 8.3


Great! Now, where is Ragnaros? We need to burn that tree too.


Well I just hope Tyrande won’t start murdering horde-race shamans in her rage lol

I mean, Tyrande’s rage is rather justified. Also, regarding the topic, the night elves’s immortality wasn’t tied to the tree. It was Nozdormu’s blessing, so them regrowing a tree won’t make them immortal again.


I know it’s justified, what I mean is that the lust for revenge can blind people and the Earthen Ring is neutral so I hope nothing like that happens.

I agree. Unfortunately, before someone else mentions it, the Horde shamans did participate in burning Teldrassil, but that’s because Blizzard has some morbid fascination with war crimes.

Which is even funnier, because they are currently insisting on “It was only Sylvanas, no one else.”


To the MAW!


one intresting part, when night elfs go to hyal again, it could become intresting if a new horde breakes out between alliance and horde, becuse hyal is located stopidly close to Azhara, and not so far from Oggrimar eighter, meening the nelfs could just launch areal assults from there.

Maybe they’ll resettle Teldrassil at some point. Nordrassil healed up nice and well between Wc3 and Cataclysm and both trees suffered a similar fate.

The real loss, beside the people of course, are the blessings that Ysera and Alex bestowed upon the trees and which they are now most likely unable to grant the Night Elves because of the powers they sacrificed in Cataclysm.

Thanks Sylvanas!

Hyjal never was Night Elves capital city. Night Elves were living in MoonGlade. Hyjal is just a mountain, with Night Elves defenses, and druids dens.
I agree, with all those Wild Gods living there, Horde will not dare to attack on a new Nigh Elves home. But making 1 neutral building, located in Hyjal as Night Elves new capital city - well that is just another Humiliation.

Can you imagine a playable Alliance race capital city, full of neutral Horde druids? :nauseated_face:

Instead of rebuilding our old cities like Auberdine and Astranaar, we will live in Cata location.
Also we will lose influence on the sea.

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Hopefully? In the Maw, with the rest of their misbegotten kin.

Realistically? As far away from Stormwind as possible.

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Well, I’m also glad that Night Elves will leave the city of a mans. That was pretty stupid to evacuate people to Stormwind. Why they did not evacuate civilians to Hyjal in the first place? Or to Exodar? Both locations much much closer…

Yes, I know, to show the horrors of war in the most popular city. But funny thing is that now, while Night Elves are in Stormwind, we at least know that they are exist.
When they will be moved to Hyjal, they will be gone from a game at all…

In future people will ask like:
-Hey where Night Elves are living?
-In Hyjal!
-Khmmm, I was there and did not seen them. Only some neutral druids there…
-Just imagine that they are there!

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Or maybe because Hyjal is awfully close to Horde territory while Stormwind is on the other side of the ocean? You want to evacuate your civilians as far away from the front as possible during the time of a world war.


true though for horde to get in there, would be realy hard, if I recall there is like one way in through winterspring, what already is night elf territory, on top of that, horde would have to climb the mountain of fly over it, meening shooting down anything comming even close would be so easy.

Sylvanas could probably solo it, so I don’t know what you are talking about.


lol yeah true forgot about that thing totaly, then again she could solo all titans pluss deathwing, at same time she is giving birth.


Xd imagine what her child would look like

That is the point. Night Elves did not knew that Horde are planning to burn down Teldrassil. Night Elves defenders main goal was to hold the Horde while Alliance will get there.
So they could evacuate civilians to Hyjal, which is very good in defense + Wild Gods there. There is no way Horde could take Hyjal mountain faster than Alliance arrive.

Also, with moral point of view:
Just imagine if you was a Night Elf. Where to you will run if danger is near? To the mountains, where your race have strongest defenses, where you got your ancient gods and allies(who were your friends for 10 thousand years), where you was living ~12 years ago?
Or you will run to a city of lesser race, which is your ally the same ~12 years?

Anyway it’s very strange that Exodar did not evacuate. And why Hordes cross continental catapults did not shoot it down?

In both questions the answer is game mechanic. Exodar is protected by different server zone. And in Stormwind they needed to show the terrors of war.

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“Lesser race”

Not so lesser if they still have their own kingdom left.