I’m just getting into roleplaying as a warlock, but I still am kind of confused as to where my other warlock buddies are. Obviously I can’t just walk around Stormwind in broad daylight. I was thinking maybe in the Mage Quarter where the warlock trainers are, though I found nobody, or above northshire at that small camp.
This is not true at all.
So a warlock can just walk around Stormwind? Nevermind the people who’d get freaked out, oh let me summon my voidwalker too just cause.
I don’t think Joe the Civillian would even notice the difference between a warlock, a mage or any other citizen unless they wore obviously warlocky armor and summoned their demon. Are you one of these people who say that Worgen are forced to stay in their human forms inside the city and that void elves aren’t allowed to own property in Alliance land?
Warlocks are frowned upon society, and some can even be driven insane. Ever wonder why the warlock trainers in Stormwind are so hidden away?
Edit: Terrible explanation but you get it.
The trainers not teaching how to summon demons in the middle of the Cathedral Square doesn’t mean that there are warlock witch-hunts organized in Stormwind on a regular basis and that warlocks aren’t allowed to exist in the city. This is all I have to say. Goodbye.
I wasn’t saying that. A warlock just casually walking around Stormwind would be arrested, and warlocks are also frowned upon. It’s not like warlocks look just like mages, which is definitely not true, and it is totally not the fact Fel Magic can drive you insane.
Warlocks are tolerated, though. Varian himself is completely fine with their usage, as seen in War Crimes and Tides of War.
As long as you don’t openly go around with skulls and demons you are gonna be fine. I am aware the old quests spoke of Warlocks in hiding and all that jazz, but that’s old lore now.
The first rule of the Warlock Club is: you do not talk about the Warlock Club.
The second rule of Warlock Club is: you DO NOT talk about the Warlock Club!
From what I’ve read/seen, it is frowned upon to have a demon summoned within a city (both on Horde and Alliance). Other than that, I don’t believe any other RPers would know you were a Warlock unless you told them and thus, Stormwind would be a good place to start imo
What about their clothing? Warlocks usually don’t wear the most becoming clothing.
I suppose that element would depend on your character’s arc/story, does the character hide their dark magic? Or do they not care if the public knows?
Hello, fellow student of the… um, “dark arts”.
I hold no political power in any city, so I will leave laws and rules to others.
What I can say, is:
Do not display your demons (or other scary warlocky things) in public places unless it is absolutely necessary - for example to defend the area and the people in it against an attack.
To my knowledge, it is not illegal to wear creepy attires (as long as it is not adorned with actual skulls or other things that may be illegal to possess).
Myself, I usually wear something like this
(flaunts his jolly outfit)
when I am ‘off duty’,
and something more… warlocky… when I go out to battle.
I believe, originally, The Slaughtered Lamb was the go-to place for folks like us, but many are spread far and wide now.
It makes sense for warlocks to be able to ‘sense’ the warlockness of nearby warlocks, thus you as a warlock should be able to tell if one of the people you meet, is a warlock.
Then you can ask discreetly if they know of such a gathering place.
Depends on the skull, really
Who would complain for a Gnome skull?
Draenei is a bit tricky, just say it was an Eredar and attacked Azeroth
Uuhh… I might sport a wicked enemy skull (outside of civilian establishments) if it was useful in some way, but not an Ally’s skull.
Not the biggest fan of spikes, skulls, eerie green glow, mysterious robes with unkown sigils or such things
My “civil” clothes are just fine, thank you
And “Warlock” is such an ugly world… call us Fel-Mage is you must or Summoners!
And no, we don’t need license… shoo guard boy!
Given that demon hunters were invited in legion and have a base in the magic quater i think the law has been loosend.
Like others have said, you don’t have a sign on you that says “warlock” and you are free to dress how you like, you’re not restricted to use the lock tier sets… Summoning a demon in a city would be a stupid idea for many reasons, but grizzly bears or tigers don’t fit well in cities either. If you meet a character that is good at sensing different arcana though they might sense the fel around you, but no it doesn’t automatically show you’re a magic wielder just by looking at you.
It’s firmly established that in Stormwind at least, you’d have guards stomping your way if you take your demon for a walk. But then, why would you? It’s not your pet and certainly not a friend and trusted companion. Warlocks exist as an asset and aren’t treated as a public menace but neither do they flaunt their powers freely.
As long as said warlock does not have his summons out, or has any obvious spells/spell effects in motion, he’s gonna be just fine walking around wherever he likes.